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      It was morning and more importantly, it was time to defeat Jon. I got up and quickly changed my clothes out of the gown I was in. As I went to the mirror, I looked down at my wrist to see a deep cut that went along my forearm. Another cut ran along the side of thigh. There were other minor wounds throughout my body, feeling as if needles continuously were piercing at my skin.
     I looked down at the sink as I stood there in pain. Luke walked in to find me, "Leia, are you alright?". I nodded, "I'm fine. Let's go."
     "You can barely walk and you don't have your force powers anymore. He's too strong to fight without them, Leia."
      "I do have them, the dark forces were getting into my head to convince me I didn't and make me weak.", I said as I winced at the pain and leaned against the wall to catch my breath. "You can't go fight right now, you'll die instantly.", he said trying to help me catch my balance.
      "Then I'll bring him down with me.", I said as everything began to move in slow motion.
I looked around when everything finally stopped spinning. "Luke!", I said as I tried to see to where he went. As I stood up, I saw a figure across the hallway then behind him another figure. The hall was blurry as I began opening my eyes more. "Luke, is that you?", I said slowly gaining my balance. The figures began walking as I then saw Luke run across to attack one of them, and as I walked closer I realized he attacked Jon. I still couldn't make out who the other one was, since they were a little behind but soon enough I saw that it was Han.
"Han?!", I said. Then Jon saw me and said, "Go kill that princess, remember all of the pain she caused you. Now is your chance to end it once and for all!". Han looked at me then made his way over while picking up a metal rod. There was so much anger in him but this wasn't him, he was being compelled to kill me.
I slowly started backing up, trying to find anything in sight but there was nothing. "Han, what are you doing? He's controlling you this isn't you!", I yelled at him as he walked faster, "That's easy for you to say, you're not the one heartbroken!", he said to me.
"I was heartbroken! I thought you were dead this whole time! I watched you die!"
He swung the pole my way while I stumbled backwards trying to block it from hitting me. He swung again and this time I grabbed it as we both fell to the floor. I was laying with my back to ground facing up at him as he hovered over me, trying to pierce the pole through my chest. I struggled using all of my strength to push the pole back in his direction while saying, "Han, stop! This isn't you!!!". Suddenly, he fell over as Luke stopped him using to force to make unconscious and he shook me as I slowly closed my eyes. "Leia, wake up!"
       "Come on, wake up!", Luke said as he continued to shake me. I jumped, as I looked around, noticing I had another nightmare. The pain that I caused Han was eating me alive and now that he is as gone, it became worse knowing that I would never be able to talk to him about it.
"You're going back to medical bay, no excuses.", Luke said as he began walking me there.
"No-I have to go fight him.", I said trying my hardest to break free from Luke's grip. "I'll go.", he said.
"Luke you can't fight him alone he's too strong, he will kill you! I've lost Han, I can't lose you too."
"You won't.", he said we arrived at the medical base. After he hugged me he said, "This is for Han." me. I heard a voice say. "Who's there?" me.....Leia.
Suddenly, the base began to shake, from getting bombed.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now