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The ship was filled with rebels trying to figure out their tasks for the next mission. Everything was so high-tech, so complicated. General Skywalker was handling tasks left and right, trying to plan out the mission to get to and destroy the new and improved Death Star.
Skywalker looked young, had golden hair and piercing blue eyes, just like Luke. Seeing how hard he worked and the way he worked, convinced me that he was Luke's son. I smiled at the thought of how proud Luke would be to see all that his son was accomplishing. But something clicked, was his son force sensitive? With how strong Luke was, he had to be but maybe Luke kept him away from the force and how powerful it can be.
I sat at a booth toward the corner of the ship, where it was pretty empty. There were so many thoughts running through my head but only one thing kept coming to my mind, Han. Every time I think I am getting him back, he is taken away from me, whether it was his choice or the empire's. The amount of trouble that is caused always somehow leads back to us. From the corner of my eye I saw Han, sitting with Finn.
Finn was so determined to get his friend back, you could see it in his eyes when he talked about her. He was a strong rebel, there need to be more Finn in the rebellion.
Finn then got up and made his way to my booth, "We are landing now, it's time to save

Moments later we were near the Death Star or as it is called here, Starkiller base. "Everyone knows their positions right? Finn, you will be tagging along with me. Poe, you are leading the X-wings. Lily and Han, you two are going to place explosives throughout the central hallway of the base then meet Finn once him and Rey are about to escape. The rest of you know your tasks. Let's move.", he finished with.
           I began putting on my snow coat, grabbing my gun and light saber as I then saw Han putting on his jacket and put his gun in his holster. He walked out of the ship and I followed.
         "There are going to be storm troopers all throughout the halls, we can't just go straight to placing explosives.", I said to him.
         "We are doing whatever it is to get out as fast as we can."
         "If we go in there and start shooting down troopers then we are going to ruin this plan."
         "If we sneak around then we are eventually going to die."
        "Well it worked for me on the Death Star."
        "Did it? I remember having to come save you and guess what? Shooting down stormtroopers worked."
        I rolled my eyes, "Han, this empire is much more powerful than the one that we know."
        "Good, I like a challenge.", he said then began walking into the base. I felt a sense of a dark force run across my neck but not a force I was familiar with. This was a dark force of fear, the worst part of the dark side. I shook it off and kept following Han. We reached the end of a hallway that lead to another and hid behind two walls. He peaked behind to see if we had a clear owning, he nodded to me then walked right into a stormtrooper. "Who are you two?", the trooper asked. I closed my eyes to feel the force, then opened as I said, "You will give us your weapon and leave this hallway."
       Han looked at me shocked. The stormtrooper then repeated me and walked away. "I could have just killed him you know, one less to worry about.", he said. I ignored him, looking over my shoulder to then see Rey on the opposite side of the hall. "Han, that's the girl we are here to save.", he looked at me and said, "No, we aren't supposed to go with her until after we place explosives."
        I began walking toward her as he grabbed my arm and asked, "What are you doing?"
      "The whole point for us to come her was to help find her, she is coming with us.". I said. The closer I got to her, I sensed the force flowing through her. I felt a strong force bond with her. It wasn't like any other I had, even stronger than the force connection Luke and I have. The bond was unexplainable and I was not quite sure how to feel about it.
    "Rey.", I said to her. "I'm here with Finn and the rebels."
      She calmly asked in the most beautiful accent I have heard, "Finn is here?".
      "Yes, he is searching for you right now. He made this plan with General save you.", I said as I gave her a smile. "I'm Lily, that's Han. We have to place explosives in the central hall."
      She nodded and followed me saying, "We have to be careful, the leader Kylo is on the search for me, I escaped the cell."
       "You escaped from here?"
       "Yes. I can't quite explain it but-"
         I cut her off saying, "The force. I sensed it in you when I saw you."
         She looked at me shocked saying, "I sensed the force in you."
         Han said, "Okay, we don't have much time, place explosives everywhere here. Once you're done, go to the top of that edge."
           I started running down the hall, placing them everywhere then I realized something, this was the same place as my vision.
         The dark force made its way to me again and I knew something bad was about to happen.
I saw Rey quickly placing them and began climbing up to the top of the edge. After a few minutes, Han and I then began climbing up to the top. We got higher and higher every move we made, as I looked down to see how far from the central hall pathway we were.
Han reached the top, climbing over the railing of the edge as I waited to do the same. All of a sudden, the base began to shake. I was slowly loosing grip then started screaming as I fell. Han reached over the railing to grab my hand. "I'm loosing grip!", I said as I winced using all of my strength to stay holding on to him. "I'm not letting you fall!", he said as I saw him try to grab on to the railing with his other hand to pull me up. Rey quickly grabbed my other arm and they both began pulling me up.
As I finally reached the railing, I fell to the ground right next to Han. Out of breath he said, "You're okay.", then he held my hand, reassuring me that no matter what, he will protect me. I sat there for a moment until footsteps were heard, but from a distance. The three of us quickly got up and hid behind large cargos. To the left of us we could see Finn and Skywalker making their way to us to hide as well. Rey hugged Finn as they reunited.
Looking down to the bridge of the central area, we could see Kylo Ren making his way across then a voice yelled, "BEN!". Oh no. I was at a loss for words, my vision was no longer a vision anymore, it was as real. It felt like I was watching a movie that never ends.
"Who is that?", Han whispered to me. I looked to him, "Han, that's you.". His eyes widened as he looked back down at himself. "How is that possible?", he asked.
"I have to stop it.", I said as I began to walk to sneak down, "Leia, are you crazy? You're not going down there.", he said as he held my arm from letting me leave. "You're going to die! This is the scene from my vision."
"I don't care, I'm not letting you go, he's going to kill YOU.", he said.
"I'll go.", said Skywalker. "He's the reason my father is missing. Plus, I need my aunt to be around when she gets to live the future.", he smiled.
"Wait, you know who I am?", I asked.
"No time to talk, ask me again later.", he said as he began climbing down.
Oh no, the clouds covered the sun, only creating a dark feeling over us all and taking over every light side in Kylo. I knew what was about to happen, Han was about to watch his own death. Skywalker ran to stop Kylo but was too late, he stabbed future Han and everyone screamed in anger and terror.
Then, Han let out a painful yell, grabbing my arm and his chest as he fell to the ground. "Han! What's wrong?!", I asked, sitting him against the cargo. He began bleeding through his chest. "Oh my god, no no no, you felt the same pain as your future self did.". Finn and Rey came to my side, taking off his jacket to put to Hans chest. "Han, stay with me." I said, panicking trying to keep him conscious and stop the blood. He grabbed my hand, while his eyes began shutting saying, "I-I-I". I held his hand tighter responding, "I know.". His eyes shut.
Finn then put his arm on my shoulder saying, "We have to get him to the ship.", I nodded and followed as we carried Han towards the ship. Rey shouted, "Skywalker, let's go!", as he was battling Kylo. He shouted, "Run!!".
We hurried out the exit and some explosives began going off. After a few moments, we ran through the snowy forest carrying Han trying to reach the ship. We saw a figure slowly approaching, "Hide behind here and don't move until this battle is over.", Finn said. "I'm fighting Kylo.", I said. "Take Han to the ship.", I continued as I stood up.
"I can't let you fight him, not after now that I know who you really are, Leia.", he said.
I ignited my light saber and swung it around, "I'll be fine.". Finn nodded, then carried Han to the direction of the ship.
As Rey stood there, waiting for Kylo to get closer, I walked up next to her. I was about to battle my future son.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now