Ch.15 The Nightmare

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I was inside the Death Star, or what I thought was the Death Star, except it had been much larger, filled with a darker presence. I looked around trying to figure out where I was.
Across the way I saw a tall man in all black, with a mask, who resembled Vader. He was making his way along the bridge, towards my direction. I hid behind a large cylindrical block, still able to get a view of him. Following a little ways behind him was a much older man, with a very familiar face. The older man shouted out, "Ben!", that echoed throughout the entire area.
The masked man stopped and turned slowly, facing the older man.
"Han Solo.".
Oh my god, it was Han.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time.", the masked man continued.

"Take off that mask you don't need it.", said Han.

"What do you think you'll see?"

"The face of my son?". His son? That terrifying man can't be his son. He took off his mask and underneath was a young man with a long face, dark eyes and dark, jet black hair.

"Come home. Your mother misses you.". Who is his mother?

"I am being torn apart, I know what I must do but I don't think I have the strength to accomplish it." He paused then looked up at Han, "Could you help me?"

"Yes, anything.", Han stepped forward. The young man pulled out what seemed to be a lightsaber that had been turned off. The young man places his hand on the lightsaber and then Han did the same. It was silent for a few moments then the young man ignited the light saber right through Han's chest. "Thank you.", he said to Han while then pulling the lightsaber from his chest. Han placed his hand on his cheek and stroked it, with pain in his face, not believing that his son turned into a monster.
Believing that nobody could hear or see me, I ran out to the bridge, thinking that I could make a difference. Just was Han was about to fall of the bridge into the abyss of the unknown, he made eye contact with me and asked, "Leia?", with confusion and a sigh as if he was shocked to see me. I ran faster toward him and said, "Han!", but I was too late. Ben turned and asked in anger, "What are you doing here?!". He ignited his lightsaber once more and stepped closer to me. I backed away in fear but he towered over me, lifted his lightsaber and just as he was about to slash me.......
I woke up.
I was locked in a cell which felt like the same one I was in the last time Vader captured me and was saved. The worst part about this capture though was that I knew nobody was going to save me. Nobody knew I was here.

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