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    "You're a monster!", Rey yelled at Kylo.
I stood there glaring him down at the monster he is. my own future son.
   "Han Solo can't save you now!", he yelled back. She charged at him and was thrown back, hitting a tree. "Rey!", I screamed.
   "I don't think we've met before.", he said to me raising his light saber. Then, I raised mine saying, "Wish I could say the same.", before charging toward him. Red and blue sparks flew as our sabers clashed every time we tried to slash each other. I force pushed him back, causing him to hit a tree. He looked up quickly in surprise saying, "That was a mistake.", he said. Then I replied, "Just like killing your own father.". The anger radiated off of him from those words I said to him.
       He lunged toward me as our sabers clashed over and over again. "I sense so much fear in you. Your fear is the only reason you joined the dark side because you are fearful of not being like Darth Vader.", I said to him as we battled in pushing our sabers toward one another. "You know nothing about me!",
He yelled as I was slipping off the edge, until Kylo then backed up yelling in pain. Rey slashed the side of his arm and took him to the ground. She put out a hand to lift me up off the ground.
       The ground between Kylo and Rey and I started to separate. While we had the time, we ran to the ship just as Finn began opening up the ramp. As we boarded, I quickly closed the ramp, allowing us to escape the monster, Kylo Ren.

    Moments later...
       I sat there on the falcon next to Han as he laid unconscious. I held his hand as I rested my  head on his chest. Who would have known, Han Solo, the smuggler, the nerf-herder, would be the one that a princess and diplomatic leader would fall in love with. Nothing was ever normal about us but what a boring life that would be if everything was normal, crazy is more fun. I just hope Han can be there for the rest of it. What if this was the plan all along? What if we were brought here to make sure Han dies so that there would be no Kylo Ren. I couldn't lose him....again. I kept my head on his chest.
       Rey walked up next to me and put her hand on my shoulder, "He is a very brave man.", she said to me. I nodded, "I know.".
       "So who really are you?", she asked as she sat down next to me.
       "What do you mean?"
       "If that is really Han Solo from the past, then you must be too.", she said to me with an innocent look.
       "I'm Leia....Leia Organa."
       Rey was shocked at this point, "Princess Leia from Alderaan?"
       I nodded.

     "I thought you were all just a myth." She said.

"I know it's hard to believe, I don't even believe it or know how I am here right now. I think I was given a chance to fix my future."

      "You mean finding Luke?"
      "Yes and also...saving my son from turning to the dark side."
      "Kylo is your son?"
      "Yes. This all has to be a way for me to get my son back, my brother back and Han. The key to getting back to where we belong is though is Luke "
      "I am going to help you find Luke.", she said as she held my hand.
      "Thank you, Rey.", I hugged her tightly.
      "She smiled, then Finn came to find us, "We are landed, let's get him to med-bay.
     The ramp opened and rebels quickly put Han on a gurney, wheeling him to a room and  begin working on him. I followed behind quickly as a rebel soldier stopped me saying, "We will take care of him, please wait in the waiting room or make yourself at him at the  bases guest room."

     I nodded, then turned back saying, "I need to stay with him, please." The rebel stopped me saying, "Miss, you must stay in the waiting room or your guest room. We are going to do the best and everything that we can to save him.". I stood there looking at Han as he was rolled away on the gurney, tears flooding my eyes. I turned and began walking away to the guest room.

   As I arrived, I noticed how different everything looked in these guest rooms compared to the past rooms. So updated, so much technology, I had trouble working some of the items in the room. I laid on the bed, anxiously waiting to here how Han is but then I felt a presence, hearing my name, "Leia..." Quickly, I sat up looking around asking, "Who is there?" But no response, I felt a dark presence of the force take over, a familiar one. "Reveal yourself!"

    "You know exactly who I am, you just don't want to admit it.", the voice said.

    "No, it can't be. You're in my head, you're not real."

   "So foolish of you to deny the dark side."

  "Get OUT of my head, Vader!"


  "This isn't real, you aren't able to contact me."

  "Are you that foolish? You really think that Vader would be able contact you?"

  "Oh no.....NO! NO!"

"I have a feeling you have figured it out. You're a smart girl, I knew you would."
     "Jon, you sent us here. What have you done?", I asked not wanting to believe what I already knew, putting a hand over my mouth in shock.
      "Oh, you will figure it out soon enough, if you haven't already.", he concluded. Then, the dark presence was gone. I sat there, realizing everything and exactly what he meant. Then, I ran out of the room, straight to Han.
      My adrenaline was at its highest level yet, as I ran to the medbay to find Han. A guard stopped me as I tried to run through the doors, "Miss, please-"
    "No! I have to see him!-", I screamed trying to break through of his grip.
    "Please listen! You can't go in there!"
    I continued to try and break free and run pass the doors.
    "Miss. I'm very sorry but....he didn't make it. The guard said, holding my arm, "We did everything we could but he loss too much blood. We are so sorry."
I stood there then broke down crying, "No!! He can't be dead! I can't lose him again!". A guard held me as Rey ran to my side to comfort me. She tried to pick me up as Finn came running over too.
Everything was moving in slow motion but all that was playing through my mind was that I lost him.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now