Ch.4 A Few Years Later....

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     3 years have passed since the celebration and nothing has changed with Han and Leia. They argued and Han kept trying to get Leia to admit she had feelings for him. She would not show any sign whatsoever.
     Leia and Luke had been staying at the rebel base, helping out preparing for when Vader and the rest of the empire would strike again. Han and the wookie had been in and out preparing as well. Leia stood watching the screen in the control center, waiting for any unknown ships to enter the system. Han had been across the room speaking with the general, Leia turned her head to listen casually to the conversation. "I'm sorry general, I must leave." Han said. Leia was shocked and mad then turned back to the screen, waiting for him to make his way over to her. "What an unfortunate loss for us Rebels, good luck Solo." The general replied while shaking his hand.
      Han walked over to Leia as she slowly turned her head to him. "Well your worship, looks like this is where we say our goodbyes."
      "I guess so.", she responded. Han paused for a moment not knowing what to say next then said, "Well stop getting all mushy on me, see yah princess." He quickly walked out of the room, Leia quickly followed after him.

      "Yes your, highness."

      "Why are you leaving? I thought you decided to stay?"

       "Well, I still have that debt to pay off so I changed my mind."

       "The empire is out there, you're going to get yourself killed."

        "Not like you care. Why are you following me?"

         "We need you, Han."

"Oh 'we' need? Don't you mean more like 'you' need?"

"What? I have no idea what you are talking about."

"I'm sure you don't.", Han began to walk away and Leia followed behind again.

"What exactly am I supposed to know?"

"The only reason you want me to stay is because of the way you feel about me."

"Yes! You're a natural leader!"

"No no no no that's not it at all. Come on admit it......come on!" Han kept waiting for her to admit it. Leia stood in silence with a serious look on her face.

"Huh, come on!" He said as he pointed his finger at her.

"You're delusional laser brain!"

"Am I really, princess? Why do you keep following me then? Afraid I was going to leave without a good-bye kiss?"

"I'd just as soon kiss a wookie!" Leia responded furiously. Luke the. Walked up to them and asked, in a frighten way, "Are you guys alright?"
Han responded, "Oh yeah, she's just expressing her true feelings to me." Leia looked up at him frustrated then said, "What?! Why you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking, nerf herder!!!" Han turned slowly and asked, "Who's scruffy looking?!".
Luke shook his head and rolled his eyes wondering why he bother to even ask what was wrong. Then suddenly alarms started blaring, startling all three of them. "That can't be good." Han said just as the general ran up to them and said, "The empire is about to enter the system! Evacuate at once!"
"I'll go straight to the x-wing to help the rebels!" Luke said just as he ran off.
        "And I'll come help you in the control room to make sure no more ships enter the system." Leia said to the general and began walking off just as Han pulled her arm.
       "Oh no you're not!" Han said then continued, "You're coming on my ship."
       "Let go of me! I can make my own decisions!" Leia said as she tried to pull away from him. Han responded with, "And let you stay here and get killed? I don't think so, your worship." Leia paused, glared at him, rolled her eyes and then started making her way towards his ship.

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