Ch. 27

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    I sat alone in the control room trying to think of a plan to defeat Vader and Palpatine once and for all. But to be honest, I almost wanted to give up.....again. Fighting became exhausting and thinking that we finally won while then realizing it is not even close to over  is even more exhausting. But I was not going to give up. That's not the Leia I am and everyone knows me as. I don't give up.
    The one thing that I could not get out of my head was that I am still alive. After everything that I had gone through, I healed. I did not know if I should be happy or worried.
   Luke walked in and took a seat next to me asking, "How are you holding up?".
     I gave him a smile to let him know that I'm still holding on, "I'm holding. Have you talked to Han?".
      "No, barley a conversation. I haven't seen him in awhile actually since he went to his designated room."
      "I can't believe this."
      "He's not completely gone, Leia. He asked if you were okay when I last saw him. Part of him remembers something."
      "I doubt it. All he cares about again is driving me absolutely crazy, mind you something I do not miss."
      "Maybe you should try talking to him, even if it's just like old times. Something will spark his memory."
      "Jon took his memory away using the force, Luke. Only he could bring it back and that is obviously not going to happen with him dead.".
     Luke looked at me not knowing what to say. He stood up from his chair and before leaving the room he said to me, "We will get him to remember, Leia." I smiled slightly knowing the chances of him remembering are very slim.
      After a few minutes of sitting alone again, I got up making my way to leave the room and suddenly bumped into someone. "Hey I know it's hard to concentrate with me around but you may want to watch where you're going, Princess.", I rolled my eyes knowing that it was Han. "Oh captain, always looking out for others.", I said sarcastically and began walking again.
       I heard his footsteps following me but I didn't dare look behind me to give him satisfaction that I cared he was following me. This felt just like old times. "So I've noticed you're avoiding me unless sitting alone in control rooms is your thing.", he said.
      "I'm not avoiding anybody."
      "You're a bad liar."
      "And you're bad at being 'comforting' or whatever it is you're doing right now."
"I wouldn't call it comforting. Comforting ain't my style, sweetheart."
      "Whatever it is you're doing, don't you have other women who are actually swooning over you."
      "Of course I do. But I think you're hiding the fact you're swooning over me. That's why you're avoiding me."
      "You sure do have a lot of confidence  Solo.", I said as I stopped to hand papers to the general then continued on.
"Well if you need to take a break from whatever princess work you're doing, you know where to find me.", he said as he winked at me and shot me his smirk.
"Thank you for the offer but I think I'll pass for today."
      "I don't understand you."
      "What are you talking about?"
      "That! You act like you don't know what I am talking about."
      "Maybe because I don't. Ever thought of that?"
      "Just admit it. You have feelings for me."
       This felt so familiar and I hated that he couldn't remember. "Well maybe if you think hard enough Han, you'll remember that I already did.", I said angrily then walked off. I was shocked I even said that to him but I could not handle the pain of him not remembering anything about us anymore.
      I walked straight to my room, ready to sleep and forget everything.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now