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     "You're supposed to be dead.", I said to Han.
"They told you that to make you angry, to get you to join them." He replied
"You're in my head this isn't real. You're not real. I would have known you were here and alive."
"That's how much you've lost touch with the light side. Leia, look at me."
"You're not real.", I kept saying to wake myself up but I knew this was no dream. This was real and he had the last string of good in me still. I started backing up as he moved closer and on to the platform that was in my vision but this was no vision, this was reality.
"You're holding me back.", I said as I raised my arm, extending it out to Han and making a gesture as if I was choking him. He began gasping for air and trying to speak. The more that I tried to stop myself, the more I couldn't. "You hurt me and left me multiple times. You lied to me. All you caused me was pain. Now you're the only thing holding me back.", I said to him trying my hardest not to let any tears fall. I said anything I could to make me hate him but nothing worked because I did not hate him at all.
"Leia, let him go! You're going to kill him!", a voice screamed and it was Luke. A force wave overcame me and Han dropped to the ground. "Why did you stop me?!", I asked angrily.
"Because this isn't you. They have manipulated you. You almost killed someone you loved.", Luke said. I looked at Han, still trying to breathe normally again. "I'm where I belong now. The girl you knew is gone.", I said to Luke. I knew this wasn't me and I tried to get myself to the light but I couldn't.
I heard footsteps behind me approaching and a voice that said, "You're becoming too strong with the force, I am supposed to be powerful.", said Jon.

        "You are powerful.", I said you him

        "Who is that?", Han struggled to ask.

       "The man that Leia should be with! She's too blinded by you.", Jon said angrily.

       "Leave him out of this, Jon.", I said protectively.

        "I could have given you the galaxy but you're stuck on this captain! He's your last little hope of good but with him dead maybe you'll finally turn.". Jon replied. He moved closer towards me but I knew he was going to kill Han. He ignited his lightsaber and as he went to stab Han through his chest, I jumped in while saying, "I'm sorry.".
Everything moved in slow motion. I heard Han scream "NOOO! LEIA!!", and then Luke screamed "NOO!". Lastly I heard Jon say, "What have you done?!". Then all of a sudden Luke charged for Jon and force pushed him off of the platform. He was gone.
I laid on the ground as Han moved closer to me and held me. He was in shock and didn't know what to do or say. I began to speak, "You were the last good that I had in me. Because of you, I never turned fully. Now I'm in the light again."

"I've always seen good in you."

      "That's why I always liked you, always treated me different than an cold hearted princess should be treated.", I let out a laugh as a  single tear fell down my cheek.

      "Please don't leave me."

"I love you, Han.", I said to him. Han held me tighter saying "I'm so sorry I caused this all. Don't leave me." Then my eyes began to close and everything went black.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now