Ch.6 Feelings

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    Leia was working on some things in the hallway of the falcon so that they could find somewhere safe to go before betting caught by the empire. She tried slamming the panel shut but it was jammed. Han walked in just as she was struggling. He slowly put his arm around her to try and help then Leia quickly jabbed her elbow toward him, forcing him to step back. "Hey, your worship I'm only trying to help." He said to her.
    "Could you please stop calling me that? I have a name you know.", Leia said annoyed. Han responded, "Sure Leia.". Leia then stopped what she was doing, sighed and rolled her eyes. She then said, "You make it so difficult sometimes.".
    "I do I really do.", Han responded sarcastically, then continued, "You can be s little nicer though. Admit, sometimes you think I'm actually alright ."
    Leia jammed her hand in the panel and stepped back while messing with her hand then said, "Yes occasionally, maybe.....when you aren't acting like a scoundrel."
    Han stepped towards her, grabbing her injured hand and massaged it while saying, "Scoundrel?......Scoundrel. I like the sound of that." Leia looked at her hand and realized he was massaging it then quickly said, "What are you doing? Stop that."
    "Stop what?"

    "Stop it Han. My hands are dirty."

    "My hands are dirty too, what are you so afraid of?"

    "Afraid? I'm not afraid of anything."

    "You're trembling." He stepped closer to her.

    "I'm not trembling." She was shaking her head.

    "You like me because I'm a scoundrel.", He started to lean in closer to her, "There aren't enough scoundrels in your life."

   "No, I happen to like nice men." They were now the closest to each other they have ever been before.

   "I'm a nice man."

   "No you're not, you're-", she was cut off by him kissing her. She felt the sparks, she knew it was there all along, just too stubborn to admit it. Han knew it was there too but never knew how to get it out of her. Time seemed to slow down between them but neither were counting. But it was then was interrupted of course by the droid. "Sir, sir! I've isolated the reverse power flux coupling!"
   Han pulled away from her and slowly turned to the droid. This was the most annoyed moment of his life and in a bothered tone he said, "Thank you, thank you very much!"
Leia took this as a moment to scurry away down the hall, confused as to what just happened. Han turned and watched her walk away, just as confused. She reached the end of he hall where she told Chewie, "Chewbacca, I'm going for a walk to the shops, I'll be back.", then she made her way to the shops.
    She was not sure what planet she was on but still managed to find the shops and some odd and creepy creatures roaming around. Walking around helped her clear her head on her feelings towards Han. She was confused and could not describe her feelings but all she knew was that she has never felt this way about someone before.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now