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I woke up surrounded my green grass and trees, nothing but confused. Where was I? I slowly stood, in complete pain, trying to observe my surroundings. I heard the sound of a lightsaber echo throughout the forest. I hid behind a huge boulder, noticing a younger girl a few trees down looking terrified. She held pointed a gun towards where the sound of the light saber was coming from.
As it approached closer, she backed away then a man in all black with a mask, similar to Vader, slashed his lightsaber to her. She backed up more and started shooting him but he dodged the bullets, waving them away, using the force I assume. Then they got to leveled ground, as she froze in place.
      At this point it was hard to hear as they continued to move farther away from my direction. I heard him mention a map. A map? What could possibly be so important on a map that he needs? Suddenly, she was unconscious and he picked her up walking away from the forest. I hid behind the tree before him or storm troopers noticed me. A figure appeared before my eyes, but a force ghost. "Leia, you need to listen to me.". I glanced in shock, "Obi-Wan? How am I seeing you, my powers were taken away."
      "If you dig deep enough, you will come to find the force cannot be taken from you. That is the dark side speaking to you.", he replied.
       "They told me I have to kill Han if I want my powers back. They wanted me to kill Han, didn't they?"

     He nodded, "Yes, if you killed Han, you would be pushed to the dark side once again, he's your last hope, Leia. They will do anything they can to take him away from you."

      "Please, tell me where I am. There was a war and then when I jumped off the ship, it was gone."

      "You're on Takodana."

      That's why it was so green. "How am I here? Please Obi-Wan, give me answers. I need to find Han, the last I saw him he was trying to warn me to get off the ship and started to be shot at by stormtroopers."

      "You are 30 years into the future."

      I sat there completely shocked, not knowing how to react. "What?"

"I know it's hard to hear-"

"How do I get back? There is no way for me to contact anyone-.....Han."

"I may not give away all of the information, you must find it yourself to get back but I may warn you of this.....You must find Han. He was put 30 years into the future as well. The older versions of you both do not exist, you both are now the new replacement. Do not let the leader who goes by the name of Kylo Ren, find Han."

Kylo Ren.....he must be the masked man. Then it hit me finally, he was the man in my nightmares. He was Han's son.
I felt relived knowing that Han was alive but realized that Obi-Wan was not specific that he was okay. Knowing that if I don't find him though, saddened and frightened me all at the same time.

"Your force powers are usable here, but beware who you use them on. You must use a hidden identity, to everyone here. If you are found by the Imperials, it will ruin everything."

"I must go now.", I said slowly looking behind the trees to see if any imperials were in sight. "Good luck, Leia.", I heard Obi-Wan say then he vanished.
I sat there for a moment, allowing myself to process all that I had heard. I shook it off with no time to waste, scanning the forest one last time before I made my way. As I made my way out I saw a young man shouting to the sky, cheerfully, "That's one hell of a pilot!". Was it Luke? Please be someone that I knew.
Approaching the man I asked, "Excuse me, are you part of the rebellion?" he looked at me shocked asking, "Why do you look so familiar?" I looked at him, stumped not knowing how to respond but eventually answering, "I do?". He nodded and said, "You remind me of a friend. Sorry that's rude of me to not introduce myself, I'm Finn."
I shook his hand saying, "I'm Lily". Uh-oh I look familiar, already about to ruin things. "I need your help, I need to get to another planet."

"I really want to help you, but I am in a hurry to find someone too. She was taken by the imperial.", he said. So he knew the girl that was with the masked man.

"I need to find someone too and if I don't something bad is going to happen. All I need is to be taken to another planet except for here."

He stood for a moment thinking, "What planet?"

"Any planet where a smuggler would be.", I said with a slight smile at the thought of knowing Han would end up somewhere that he does what he is best at.

"Jakku. Lets move now." , he said to me and I followed behind. There was a ship that looked so much different from '30 years ago'. We stepped aboard the ship and Finn brought me to the General.
"General, she was wondering the forest, she needs to get to Jakku as quickly as possible. Then, I need to speak with you."
"General Skywalker.", he held out a hand for me to shake. Skywalker? Luke's son? "Lily.", I said as I shook back. Finn put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Have a seat, you must be tired from wandering the forest.", I accepted his gesture and sat down.
   "General Skywalker? Is he...Luke Skywalker's son?", I asked Finn.
He shook his head, then looked to me, "You know Luke?!"
"I've heard stories."
"He vanished awhile ago after a student of his that he was training just lashed out on all of the other jedis. Luke felt like it was his fault so he disappeared. His sister tried to search for him but eventually gave up and vanished too. That's is what I have heard. His son now is now on a hunt to find him, with the droid that supposedly carries a map to him."
I sat there wondering how this all happened, it felt like a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from but the worst part is that I was living in my own future. "So you're looking for a smuggler? You don't seem like the type to be a smuggler.....or befriend one.", Finn said to me.
"Yeah uh, he got himself into trouble as usual so I have to help him.", I responded.
We began our descent to Jakku, as I looked out the window, trying to see if I could spot anywhere Han may be.
The ship then landed as I said, "Thank you Finn, good luck to finding your friend.". He nodded saying, "Good luck finding your smuggler.", he said smiling. I walked off the ship trying to scan my surroundings. There were different types of creatures, ones I wasn't aware of even existed. Across the way, there was a small cantina. The perfect place Han would be at.
I walked inside, looking around the room trying to find him but so far, no luck. As I walked past the bar, a creature pushed me saying, "Who are you, I've never seen you around before?", and did not know what to say, so I continued walking then he pushed me again but this time I fell to the ground and he said "Did you hear me?! I asked you a question, that means answer me." Suddenly, I heard a voice say, "Hey!", then a gunshot was fired. The creature fell to the floor and an arm grabbed me from behind then I looked up with relief, "Miss me, sweetheart?", he said with a smirk.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now