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"That was you.", I whispered to myself not realizing that I was speaking out loud. He looked confused and asked in a serious tone, "What did you just say?". I froze then said, "I was just thinking, I never thought a girl would break the heart of Han Solo.".
"Well, now you know that I am capable of actually being hurt. See we aren't so different, are we?", he said as he let out a laugh. I felt relieved he didn't notice that I was the Lily he was talking about. I knew I had to tell him but how could I tell him after he just poured his heart out about his biggest heartbreak....the girl that made him the infamous Han Solo.
There were so many things running through my mind. But the one thing that kept playing over and over was the moment I stole his goods and seeing the pain in his face as he watched me leave. If I didn't steal them, I would have been dead. The bounty hunters would not let me go, especially if they knew I was Princess Organa so I had to create a smuggler identity for myself. But the entire time I listened to that story, he was so confident that the girl didn't love him, but she did, she really did. It hurt to leave but I knew I would run into him again. There was no way to tell how I knew we would, but I had a feeling we would, probably the force. Now years later, I'm a 21 year old girl in love with that same smuggler. Funny how things work out in this galaxy.
The hut that we were resting in was a little farther away from the actual village. From the small opening, I saw a large ship landing and then the ramp opening up. Then down walked Finn and other Rebels. "Han, come on.", I said.
"Who are they?"
"It's the rebels."
We walked over towards Finn as I shouted his name, "Finn!", I waved to him. He looked over to me then realized who I was and said, "Lily!". Oh no.
        "Did he just say Lily?", Han asked me. I kept walking closer towards Finn's direction ignoring Han's question. Finn then was stopped by the General, gesturing to me to give him one minute to talk to him.
          Han then held my arm, giving me a sorrowed look not wanting to believe what he was thinking, saying, "Leia....", he stopped not knowing what to ask next. I gave him a look that convinced him that I was the girl.
          He slowly backed away from me then starting walking away. I followed him and said, "Han, please listen to me."
           "Listen to what Leia, how I just told you a whole story about how a girl broke my heart only to find out that it was you?"
            "I didn't know it was you."
            "Oh, like that would have made a difference."
             "It might have!"
             "You screwed me over and because of you I had a bounty after me for years. It also got me frozen in carbonate.
             "And guess who saved you from the carbonate. You almost turned me into Jabba and the empire!"
             "And I'm wondering now why I didn't."
               I stood there and felt my pain as he said that then told him, "Me too."
             He continued walking.
             "Han we can't get out of here without each other."
             "I don't care anymore, leave me here. I'll get back to my smuggling ways wherever I am at."
              "Look, I know you're hurt still, but you can't just drop everything because of this."
              "NO. When I was 17, I was hurt but now I am just angry."
              "Fine be angry with me but at least just be angry at me back at where we are actually from."
              "Fine.", he stopped then continued saying, "But once we get back, I'm out of the rebellion."
               I nodded to him and was about to speak then he said, "And out of your life."
               There were no words to describe my pain. I didn't know what was worst, hearing ,those words or the thought of him actually leaving my life for good.
              "Okay.", I said as I turned, ready to just let tears fall down my face.
             He then pointed a finger at me saying, "You know, I really believed that you weren't so bad after all and just were scared to let anyone in. No, you really are just a selfish, ice cold-hearted princess and always will be. Maybe me forgetting everything was a second chance and a wake up call to realize who you really are."
             Finn then made his way toward us, "Sorry about that we needed to discuss our plans on saving my friend from the Imperials.", said Finn.
             "Finn, this is the smuggler.", I said to him.
             "Nice to meet you, sorry what was your  name?", asked Finn.
"Han.", he said. I shot him a 'what are you doing look?'. He then rolled his eyes at me. Finn was shocked and said, "Wait, as in THE Han Solo?". Han then was like, "oh no, I'm not him. It's just a nickname that stuck with me."
"What ever happened to Solo anyways?", Han asked. Then Finn looked and said, "Nobody knows. He disappeared right after Skywalker did. General Organa was around for awhile too then after so many failed attempts to find the Skywalker, she vanished too. She was in too much pain from her brother's disappearance and her husband's.", I then look towards the ground, hurting to hear this all. This was my future. I could see Han look at me saddened from the corner of my eye.
"Anyways, we need to get moving.", Finn said. We followed him to the ship.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now