Billionaire Stole My Panties

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All Rights Reserved for Billionaire Stole My Panties © by Tajanara Scott aka Afrodite107.

Under no circumstances must this book be copied, vandalized, stolen, changed, or translated (without permission), ask and you shall receive. I don't tolerate plagiarism; everything you see is what pops out of my big-headed brain. Thank you and enjoy.

N/A: this story contains violence and sexual themes. Based on the main characters interests you will notice their thorough attention to detail.



My heart was hammering in my chest as I laid in bed, staring at the clock. Come on, I chanted as I waited for 5:59 to change to 6:00. I blinked and 6:00 illuminated on the small screen. Finally, I thought as I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. My heart raced when he wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed his wet lips against my cheek. He let his lips linger for about 30 seconds—yes, I timed him—before he got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I opened my eyes and wiped my cheek with a trembling hand the moment I heard the bathroom door close.

He'll be gone soon, I thought as I buried myself beneath the covers with a breathy sigh. I had a half-hour before I'll be alone but I couldn't use my phone to pass the time because he confiscated it. He does this every night before bed. He's convinced I have a side piece that I'm planning to run away with. I have no clue where he got that idea from. I may be naive and ditzy at times but I'm not stupid enough to cheat on Brandon.

I hugged my knees to my chest and closed my eyes. I pushed the memories of last night's beatings to the back of my mind and tried to replace them with happy thoughts. I envisioned myself laying on a beautiful, sandy beach and sipping a cocktail—feeling safe for the first time in years and within minutes I was asleep.

I jumped out of sleep when the door slammed shut. I waited a while before peeping beneath the covers and scanning the room for any sign of him. The stench of his cologne made my stomach turn. I've grown to despise that smell. Quietly, I crawled out of bed and looked around the apartment. It was empty. Thank God. I turned on my heel and made my way back to the bedroom with a big stretch but a shooting pain in my left shoulder made me groan, whimper and made tears cloud my vision. I paused for a moment before rushing to the bathroom mirror.

I had to stifle the cry about to escape my lips as I stared at the grotesque bruises staring back at me. I leaned against the wall to steady myself. My black and blue left shoulder and wrist matched the bruises on my back from a few days ago. The bruises, the bags and the dark circles under my eyes made me look like a zombie. I've also lost a lot of weight. The results of Brandon's many, many drunken beatings.

I wanted to punch my reflection, hating what I was seeing. I wiped my face and looked myself dead in the eye. Ok,'re going to get in the shower and afterwards, you'll have to cover these bruises. But first, let's put on a smile. I took a deep breath and tried to smile. The smile that formed looked like something out of a Tim Burton movie. I sighed. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

I went into the bedroom to search for my phone and I found it in Brandon's nightstand. My body began to tremble as I stared at the phone. I glanced over my shoulder instinctively, wondering if Brandon was standing in the doorway with his belt. He wasn't there but my body wasn't convinced. Just breathe, I chanted. I grabbed my phone and screamed. I shielded my face with my arms and sunk to my knees. I stayed there for a few minutes before looking up and seeing no one standing over me. I can't even use the shit I bought without worrying you'll hit me, are you proud of what you've done to me, Brandon? Is it because you know I'm too scared to fight back?

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