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At around  7:45 pm,  I was having dinner and reflecting on today's events. You know, despite me crashing his car, I had a lot of fun but I'm starting to hate how platonic we are. I know I shouldn't be complaining when it's technically my fault but I can't help it. Things feel....right with Joel and every time he touches me it's like the whole world stands still, waiting for him to kiss me or to just break this gate of sexual tension. If I had known how serious he was about being friends....I'd probably not answer.

That's dumb. You know how he is. He'll probably believe you want nothing to do with him, smartass. I jumped when my phone rang. I wiped my fingers and looked at it. It's Dean. Oh shit! I jumped off the stool and dropped my plate into the sink, the impact wasn't hard enough to break it, thankfully. I grabbed my phone answering it as I ran to the bedroom. "Hello?"

"Hey Aubrey, I'm on my way. Can you tell me your address?" He asked. I told him while I ran into my closet. "Oh, thanks I'll be there in ten."

"Ok," I said before he hang up. I toss my phone on the bed and then ran back into the closet. I threw on jeans, a black bra beneath a white hoodie, black Vans with the bag I had earlier before running to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and put on some mascara and lip gloss. My hair was still in its braids from earlier and it kinda looks like I woke up in these. I shrugged. Fuck it.


I ran downstairs but I slowed down when I got to the lobby. When I walked outside he was just getting out of his red Ford Explorer. He looked surprised when he saw me but he smiled. He wore his hair down and the wind was blowing it into his face. He pushed his hair back when I was inches of him. He wore a black shirt, jeans, and Nikes. He looks nice. I'm not particularly excited about this date because I'm so exhausted but I said agreed to come so I'll have to grin and bear it.

"Good evening." He said as he opened the door for me.

"Good evening." I said before hopping in. His car smelled of cinnamon and his aftershave. He slid in a minute later.

"How was your day?" He asked pulling off the curb.

I stared out the window watching the building pass by. "It was good, how about you?"

"Well, I had piles and piles of paperwork to go through so...brutal." He replied. I sprung my head around to look at him.

"You got a job, already?" 

"Yeah, I had it while I worked at Spectrum." He replied.


"It's a desk job right now, I'd prefer not to get into details." He said. I wonder why.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to pry."

"Don't worry about it, when everything is settled you'll be the first to know." He said, glancing at me. Hm. I looked out the window, wondering what Joel's doing. I reached into my bag for my phone and found my purse, keys, and lip gloss but no phone. Damn it. I let my head fall back with a thud. "Everything ok?"

Should I tell him I forgot my phone? I probably shouldn't I mean—what if he's planning something awful to do to you like—Aubrey stop...keep those bad scenarios out of your head....but keep your eye on him and also try to have fun. But also keep and eye out for possible escape routes if you have to. "Everything is fine, I'm just tired." I said, I kinda whispered the beginning but the rest was said perfectly because it was the truth. I am tired, and I wish I could relive those moments with Joel again.  From when Joel first saw me this morning to when he followed me inside, I would've changed a few parts but other than that it was perfect.

"We're here." He said pulling onto the curb. I looked at the building, it's two stories and bricked with the lights shining through the large windows.

"You said this is a little get together?" I asked to be sure.

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