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I give Joel a sip of my drink, we stood on the balcony staring down at everyone below. He held my waist when Skanking Sweet by Chronixx played. I giggled when he kissed my neck as we rocked to the beat. I turned to face him, he smiles do at me. "Joel?"

"Yes, baby." He answered.

"I'm horny," I said. He pauses then his head swung over his shoulder, he lets me go and walked over to Beth and Eli, who were enjoying the shit of the hookah. Eli smiles dreamy-eyed at Joel. Eli waves at me as Beth collapses on to his lap. Eli looks at her, laughing. He gets to his feet with her in his arms, I took up Beth's purse Joel while held mine and we went through the exit behind our booth. He walked down the steel stairs although the ally into the parking lot.

Joel opens the door for Eli and he puts Beth in the back seat. "You two drive safely." Eli says, giving me a hug.  I hugged him back then stood beside Joel.

"Bye Eli," I said.

"Bye B." He says, before hopping into the driver's seat. Joel and I walked hand in hand to his car on the other side of the parking lot. He opens the down for me then hops into the other side. He pulls his seat back then pulls me onto him. I yelped.

"You should couldn't wait could you?" I teased. He smirks.

"Hell no." He replies, kissing me. I giggled against his lips as I straddled his lap. Lifts my dress and pulled my panty aside. I bite his lip as I unleashed him for his pants. He pulls me to lay on his chest, entering me. I moaned.

"Joel." I moaned aloud when he lifted his hips sinking deeper into me.

"Fuck." He grunts. "Baby, unbutton my pants...the zipper is cutting me." I got off him, unbuttoned his jeans and pulling them to his knees. I crawled back over, grabbing him. I turned my back to him then slide him in. I held onto the wheel, rolling my hips in him. He sat up, pressing me into his chest, moaning softly. He unzips my dress to my navel then cups my breast. I gasped when he flips me on the seat, grabs hold of my waist and pounds into me.

"Joel!" I screamed.

"Yes?" He said, huskily not stopping for a second. I gripped onto the seats with my eyes rolled back. The car was shaking like crazy but oh fuck. He slows down when he sees a group of women walking to their Jeep. I looked back at Joel to see him reaching for the honk. I tried to stop him but I was too late. The women screamed and Joel just about dies of laughter. I reached behind and pinched him. "Ow!"

"You couldn't leave them alone?" I questioned.

"Why should I? Hm?" He asked, before slamming himself into me. I covered my mouth to mask the scream. He chuckles. "Scream like that again." He said, slamming into me not once but twice. My eyes fluttered as I came.

"I fucking hate you," I said, panting.

"Lies." He said. "You know what fuck em." He said.

"Wha—" he flips onto my back before I could ask him what he said. He buried himself into me then wraps his arms around me. He kissed me slowly thrusting into. I wrapped my arms around him. I came again then he came a minute later. He kisses me, he pulls away smiling. He rubs our noses together. My heart fluttered. We stared at each other.

I wanted to say I love you so bad but what if the feeling isn't mutual or he's not ready for those words. I stared deep into his eyes. I swear everyday I love him a bit more, despite his brazenness and arrogance, he's with me and I'm happy. He's my muse, my rock, my Clyde. I can't even imagine life without him. Without him, life would be dull, boring—lonely. "How do you feel about me?" I asked. He looked shocked by my question. I chewed on my lip, nervously.

He broke eyes contact for a moment, running  his hands through his hair. "What do you mean?" He questioned.

"Forget I asked," I told him, trying to slide out from under him.

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