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I glared at his back. Pissed. I still couldn't believe he took me on a picnic all thing! All he had to say was bend over lemme fuck shit up with this torpedo in my boxers. The nerve of that damn caveman! Getting me all worked up then to turn around a take me on a picnic is—criminal.  

We're on his silver MasterCraft speedboat, somewhere in the Atlantic. A lightbulb light up in my head. Omg no one to disturb us. I'm starting to think this wasn't such a bad idea after all. I biting my lip as I stared at his naked back as he steered the boat. His hair blowing in the wind and the muscles on his back flexing and contracting. This sexy man is all mine. A drop sweat ran down his spine, making my fingers twitch. I lifted my foot at placed it on his left butt cheek. Arg! So firm! He glanced back at me with a weird look, I winked. He shook his head then turned his head forward. I pouted again. You're no fun! I sipped my coke. I give up!


After twenty minutes of just sitting around, I was done. You better do something before I scream. I got up and wrapped my arms around him. He doesn't acknowledge me. I frowned. Joel you're upsetting me, fuck me now! I ran my hands over his chest and abdomen. He started to whistle, still ignoring my presence. I rest my forehead on his back, groaning." You insufferable caveman. Stop. Fucking around with me."

"Whatever do you mean, Hun?" He said, in an innocent tone. I felt like punching him. I hate you, I hate so much much right now I'm shaking.

"You know what I mean!" I hissed.

"No Hun. I don't actually." He assured. Oh, my know what. I drug my teeth into his back and hard too. He protested in pain." Jesus, woman! Retract them damn fangs of yours." He said laughed at his statement. I bite him harder." Fuck! Fuck! Ok! Ok! Stop!" I stopped and stepped back to look at what I had done with a smirk. I hope you've learned your lesson, don't ever tease me if you not going to fuck me. The bite mark is really red and swelling up. What a masterpiece! He reached to feel it. He touched it and hissed in pain.

"Were you raised by animals? Damnit!" He says pulling out the key and turning to me with his brows furrowed.

"Serves you right!"

"For!" He exclaimed.

"For not fucking me!" I blurted without elaborating. I covered my mouth in surprise. His brows shot up in surprise. The moment was brief. He smiled. Curse you, inner goddess! She's getting frisky and pent up with sexual frustration. You don't wanna mess with her right now. He raised a brow and bite his lip trying not to grin. He was doing it on purpose, isn't he!?? Asshole!" Stop fucking around and fuck me already!"

He chuckles." All you had to do was ask." He said, lifting me onto the stool with a sexy half-smile plastered on his lips. Butterflies fluttered around my stomach. Yay! It's finally going to happen. He stood between my legs. He grabs the back of my neck. Our mouths crashed and his tongue darted against my lower lip teasingly." Hmm." Our tongues found each and fought for dominance. He pushed me back into my seat, telling me that he was the one in control. Fuck. I dug my fingers into his neck.

He groaned against my lips. He pulled two centimeters away from my lips. I took the opportunity to catch my breath. He ran his tongue on my bottom lip before going back in for the kill. I pulled him close despite my light-headedness. I moaned when he drew my top lip between his teeth. I reached down to unbutton his knee-length, navy shorts. He quickly grabbed my hand and pulled away with a cocky grin." Are you ready for lunch?" He said, a bit breathless. I frowned. What the fuck?

"What the hell was that?!?"

"You were not specific about where exactly you wanted me to fuck you." He said with a smug look on his.

"Arg!" I exclaimed. He chuckled." You're soo gonna get it." I ran after him.

"Nah Nah a boo-boo," he teased like a child. He laughed at my failing attempts to catch him. He suddenly spun around and then threw me over his shoulder.

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