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Joel took me home around 6 and helped me carry his gifts,  which he was oblivious of, before leaving. I soaked off my nails before taking a quick shower. After my shower, I brought myself a vibrator. I hope it works as well as the reviews say it does because if not—I'm fucked. I shut down my computer blushing at what I had just done. I can't believe I brought that....I feel so naughty.

Soon, a smile grew against my lips when Joel crossed my mind. He'd probably tease me and smirk at me if he were here. My heart fluttered. Oh, Joel...if only things were different, I thought as I began packing his gift basket. I didn't know what he liked so I went based on what I knew...partly. I got him a cologne by Paco Rabanne called Invictus because I liked the smell, Hawaii Kona coffee beans, three erotic novels to spite him, a black Apple Watch because he seemed to have a small obsession with watches, he wears a different watch every day, and a card that says Yer Getting Old and inside I wrote:

'To my amazing boss; Happy Birthday I hope you'll see a hundred more, thank you for everything and I'm glad that you're a part of my life.'

I'm also going to bake some Brigadeiro (Brazilian Fudge Balls) later, using Joseph's recipe for him and Joelle. I wrapped everything together with the plastic wrap and tied it with a blue and white ribbon. I examined my work and then skipped off to the kitchen.

I made three batches before I called it a  night.


I had gotten up early the next morning after having a bad dream about Brandon after which I couldn't go back to sleep. The dream starts with me walking into Joel's office—I wore my hair in braids falling down my dress. I was happy, smiling because I got a text from Joel, asking me out. When I got to his desk, that's when Brandon turned in his chair. My heart fell out of my chest, I turned and ran to the door but he grabbed me before I got the chance and slammed me into a wall, then pushed me and I fumbled then ultimately fell onto the coffee table, breaking it and hurting my arm. You could only imagine what happened next.

I'm currently sitting in the shower letting the water beat down my body. I've been here for ten minutes and the water had turned cold a while ago. I rest my head against the wall, sighing. I fucking hate this hopeless feeling. I got up and showered. After my shower and brushing my teeth, I stood in front of the sink staring at my reflection. My hair had somewhat reverted to its curly state, however, my curl was almost nonexistent and most of the strands were straight. I pulled on a piece at my nape and stretched it. It stopped at my waist. I had two options cut off the damage or leave it be. I reached under the sink and pulled out my hair scissors and a comb then began cutting. After I cleaned up and toss the hair into the trash before pulling out my blow dryer and flat iron. I blew out my hair the began cutting again when I was satisfied with the shape, I straightened it. I jogged into the kitchen and wrapped Saran Wrap around my head then got dressed.

I threw on a pastel pink blouse that had a small dip in the front, a black pencil skirt, and my white Sylvie Gucci bag. I went into the bathroom and took the Saran Wrap off my head, letting my hair fall crookedly against my face. I shook my head then grabbed my brush and brushed it out. I had cut my hair into a shoulder-length bob. It came out better than I expected. Nice. I played with it a little until I decided to give myself a right side part. Finally satisfied, I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and then took my pastel pink pumps from the closet and made my way into the living room. I sat on the couch and fixed myself for a selfie. I smiled for most of them and then tried to look all serious face model-like, after, I posted my best-smiling pictures on IG.

I was putting my shoes on when my phone chimed, scaring me. I looked at my screen and found that Brandon had liked it. My stomach turned. Oh no. No. No. I jumped, almost screaming when someone knocked on the door. I quickly blocked Brandon and went to the door.

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