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I got us two subs and sodas from Subway. I got him favourite: 6 inch, Spicy Italian on Italian Herb and cheese with lettuce, onions, tomatoes, olives, and ranch dressing. I tried to mix it up from my usual, Chicken Noodle soup, for a 6 inch, steak, and cheese on wheat bread with lettuce, jalapeños, bbq and ranch dressing. Yummy! I sat on a bench and sipped my soda while I wait for him.

"Baby." My heart dropped. My chest felt so tight it got hard to breathe. No. How are you here? Please, tell me I fell asleep waiting for something and this is just a dream because I know you can't be crazy enough to violate the straining order. I looked over my shoulder at him and a panic stuck me hard. He was dressed in a dark suit with a red tie. He had a bit of a beard now. Aubrey, wake up now! Please!

"Brandon," I said, in a whisper.

"It has been a while." He said, smiling. I clenched my drink so hard it burst open.

"Y-y-yeah," I whispered. "W-W-What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for you." He replied. My legs began to shake. Joel, where are you? I glanced over at VS, hoping he'll come out right now.

"I have a straining order against you." I reminded him.

"I know that rich boy made you get one." He said, cockily his head. "We need to go before he comes back, you don't know how long I've been trying to get you alone but he always has someone watching close by." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. I tried to pull my self out of his grasp but he held on tighter. I hurt my hand in the process but I got free knocking over Joel's drink and the subs fell onto the floor.

"Brandon, don't," I said, in barely a whisper when he reached for me. I took steps back. "It over. We're done and that straining order is proof of that." The look he gave me made a chill run down my spine. I knew that look well, I knew what was coming if I wasn't careful but I'm not going to take any of it. I won't, I have a baby to protect. His jaw clenched. I can see him fighting the urge to do anything rash. Joel, where are you?

"Aubrey. Let's. Go." He ordered. My shoulders hunched over for a mere second. I'm not afraid of you. I lifted my chin, looking him dead in the eye.

"No," I whispered. "No." I repeated, my voice sounded a tad stronger. It was like looking at the devil himself as his anger made his face contort into something grotesque but I wasn't going to back down. You're tormented me enough now leave me the fuck alone. "If you don't leave...I will call the police—it'll be worst if Joel sees you. So go."

"Who the fuck you think you're talking to." He gritted to his teeth, taking a step closer.

"You." I cornered, not an ouch of fear was present in my voice. I felt proud of myself. He grabbed my arm.

"Don't have time for this." He hissed, yanking me when I tried to stand my ground.

"Let me go!" I screamed, trying to yank myself free, I ended up falling to my knees. He pulled me to my feet.

"Walk!" He hissed.

"No—" he slaps me. Pain radiating through my cheek, my vision went grey for a moment. Never again will you hit me. I used my free hand and punched him with everything I got. I got him in the nose. I gasped when someone pulls me back, taking my place. Joel. Joel grabs Brandon, punching him twice.

My heart fell. If I don't stop him now he'll probably kill Brandon. "Joel stop!" I screamed. Joel land another punch before 2 police officers pulled them apart.

"I warned you Price," Joel growled,  as an officer pushes Joel and Brandon against wall, handcuffing them. Joel glared at Brandon. I bet he's wishing he had more time with him. Brandon's face was all bloodied, nose broken and an eye black and blue.

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