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Twelve Weeks later.

I don't know why I'm letting him blindfold me again after the last fiasco....I know he won't do that to me again but I can't get those memories out of my mind. He held my waist as guide me to his 'big surprise'. The warmth of his body was driving me crazy, I never thought I'd want someone as badly as I wanted him. "Can I take it off now?" I asked.

"Not yet." He replied when the elevator dinged soon. "" He said, taking off the blindfold. I opened my eyes and my jaw dropped. 

"W-w-What—are we on our floor?" I asked looking at him. He wore a thick, dark green turtle neck beneath a black coat, jeans, and English-style black winter boots. He wore his hair slightly tousled. He looked like a hot bad boy who's ready to sweep you off your feet and let you ride off into the sunset on his Harley with him. He smiled, nodding. "Wow." I said with a smile. I'm surprised Joel the neat freak was allowing us to keep the Christmas party up here.

"Yeah, you like it?" He asked. I nodded. The walls are still white but he changed floors to a pretty hardwood flooring. The right wall was knocked down and replaced by a huge glass window, giving you one of the best views of the city. To the left were royal blue L-shaded couches, three loveseats, and a glass coffee table facing the window. On the wall behind the seating area were three large portraits. The first was of a man I didn't recognize beside it was one of Joseph then Joel.

"Who's he?" I asked pointing at the portrait.

"My grandfather, dad's father." He replied. The man had a wide, beautiful smile. His skin was tanned, dark hair was slick back, curling at his nape. His eyes are hazel green, coddled by a hood of thick dark eyelashes. His nose is crooked like Joseph's, his lips heart-shaped like Joey's, and his jawline is sharp. He sported a full greying bread. He wore a black suit with a white tie. "Henrique Julio-Jose Pereira, born and raised in Fortaleza, Brazil, and was a very wealthy businessman. Grandpa moved to the US along with his first wife at age 25 in 1965, he made an empire selling clothes his wife designed. They divorced wife in 1966 and a few months later he meets a woman by the name of Eveline Jones," He stated. Damn, I'm getting his family history too. "Eveline was a black woman before I forget to mention it."

My eyes widened. "Did they last?" I asked.

"For a while....yes." He replied, "Grandpa and Eveline fell in love and he took her to Brazil to introduce her to his family and to marry her, his father wasn't thrilled about the idea of his son being with a black woman nor was his mother but she eventually came to terms with the union. They married in secret but when Grandpa's father found out he demanded that they have it annulled. Grandpa, then announced that Eveline was pregnant which triggered an altercation between him and his father, this altercation led grandpa to cut all ties with his father. Grandpa and Eveline returned to the US, Eveline dies during childbirth after having twins, dad, and uncle Joao but grandpa's father dead without knowing his grandchild, but his mother came to live with them until she died in 1975."

"Wow." Was all I could say. All that just because he married a black woman...that crazy. I'm happy to be born and be living in times like these—I mean I have come across a few people who thought I wasn't worth the air they breathe but it's better than back then. Right?

"Yeah," he shook his head and cursed under his breath, "sorry...I didn't mean to make you feel bad or—"

"It's fine," I interrupted him. He looked at me sadly.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm still sorry though—you're so easy to talk to—I often forget myself."

"Joel it's fine," I told him smiling.

His gaze wavered for a moment. "Um... this is the waiting area." He said dramatically. I laughed.

"Whoa," I said pretending to be amazed. He took my hand and me toward a floating desk that matched the flooring.

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