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Joel and I were in the pit playing poker with Hershey's Kisses as our currency when his phone hang. It's around 4:15 pm. He looks at the screen then answers." Hi, ma." He answers placing his hand down. Fuck! He won. He takes my share." Yeah, she's here in front of me....hang on I'll ask." He looks at me." Mom wants to know if you'd like to come for dinner—don't worry it'll just be her and dad."

Oh, thank God. I don't think I can handle all his brothers not that I don't want to meet them—it's a lot of people I need to make a good impression and it's going to be very overwhelming." Sure." I replied.

"She said yes.....Jarrett and Kimmy? Ok. See you at 7. Yeah, I love you too...bye." He says. He looks at me." Well, Jarrett and Kimberly are coming as well...Jarrett just texted her."

"Ok," I said slowly and very nervously. He pops a kiss into his mouth, smirking at me. I felt slightly unease but I tried my best not to let it show.

"Oh, so this is what victory tastes like." He teases. I glared at him." Yummy!"

"I hope you choke on one," I grumbled. He laughs. He takes one out of his wrapper and puts it against my lips. I smiled as soon as it hit my tastebuds. I watched him get up and raining Kisses on my legs." You're making a mess." I said laughing. He grins.

"You're right." He says taking up the ones that fell on the floor. I got up and helped him put them into a bowl." Babe?" I looked at him to see him with a Kiss between his teeth. I stared at him. He sat on the edge of the fire pit with a small smirk, baiting me. I got up and straddled his lap. I grabbed hold of his face and pressing my lips against his. He wraps his arms around me as he broke it in half when the broken piece fell into my mouth, I kissed him. It was like a burst of flavors, him and chocolate, it was truly an intimately and delicious moment. I pulled away, I watched as he licked his lips, his erection trying to break free of his boxers.

"Put that away," I told him breathlessly.

"Can't help it." He said biting his lip. He kisses my neck causing my eyes to flutter close, I grabbed a fistful of his hair, yanking his head away.

"No sex for the rest of the day," I whispered. His jaw dropped. I smirked as I got off his lap then skipped off to the bedroom. I can feel his eyes on me but I didn't care. Haha. I gasped when I heard footsteps behind me. I ran into the bedroom and locked the door." Ha! Gotta be quicker than that."

"Open the door and say that to my face."

"No thanks," I said grinning. I should mess with him but how? Hm. Hehe, I know just the way." Oh, Joel—I don't know why but I'm so...horny all of a sudden." I purred against the door.


"I said I'm HORNY!" I said louder.

" the door then."

"No that'll take to long...I need some release now." I started turning around and leaning against the door with a small thud." Maybe I should...touch myself?" It went quiet all of a sudden the doorknob began turning like crazy. I smirked.

"Aubrey open the door." He said huskily. I began to fake moan, banging the door with my back gently.

"Oh fuck." I moaned cleaning my nail.

"Aubrey I swear to God—I'll kick this fucking door down." He growled. Ou. I wonder why.

"Hm? Why would you do that?" I said between moans." Ah! Damn." I moaned as I thumb wrestled with myself.

"I'm the only one that gets to pleasure you." He replied. Is that so?

"Only you? What if I want to pleasure myself when you're not around?"

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