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I spent the evening getting myself off until my legs turned to jelly. I went to bed early that night, at around 6 pm. When I woke up the next morning it was around 7 am. I laid on my side staring into space for a few minutes before rolling onto my stomach and tried to go back to sleep. I was dozing off when I heard a knock on the door which triggered the alarm. I jumped out of bed and ran to the door. I punch in the code then look through the peephole. 

I couldn't tell who was until he started cursing at the alarm. I grinned, screaming mentally. I swung the door open and my face fell when I saw him holding two gifts. He smiled at me. His red sweater said 'No, my parents didn't go to the North Pole instead they went to Miami and all I got was this lousy t-shirt', acid-washed jeans, black Converse, and a Santa hat over his tousled hair. "Morning!" He said cheerfully.

"'re not coming in with those," I told him, pointing at the gifts. He took a step close enough to mould our bodies. He placed a hand at the small of my back as he stared deeply into my eyes and pushed his way inside. His body and eyes never left mine. I jumped when he kicked the door close. I frowned at him.

"I'm inside hun." He whispered smirking. I rolled my eyes and took a step back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Don't get me wrong— I'm happy you're here but I want to know why you ditched your family to come here.

"I couldn't let you spend Christmas alone," he said before walking toward the living room then he stopped at the doorway and looked at me, "oh and Happy Birthday, hun,"  he said then knocking my sock off with that panty-dropping half-smile. How did he know?

"Thank you," I said slowly.

"Come have presents to open." He said holding a hand out. I took it and we walked into the living room. He helped me to sit down then placed the gifts on my lap.

"Can I go brush my teeth?" I questioned. He made a face.

"That's what that smell was?" He asked. My jaw dropped. I punched him. He chuckled. "Go ahead....put on a bottom too." He said. I looked down at myself. I'm wearing a black cami and yellow boy shirts. I walked past him and went to the bedroom.


I threw on a pair of black shorts and a green sweater. I stepped out of the bedroom, I immediately heard kids and Joelle's voices. I walked into the living room, Joel's shoes were off, I saw them at the door. He sat on the arm of the couch with his phone in his hand. "Uncle Joel! Uncle Joel! Look!" A little voice said. Joel gasped.

"Wow." He said smiling.

"Yes! Daddy said after breakfast we can go for a swim!"  The voice said.

"That sounds amazing." He said, he looked at me. "Ok Justin, give the phone to uncle Joelle, please." He held out a hand for me and I took it, he got up and we both sat down. He props his phone up against his glass of water. I guess Justin must have been running because the camera was going all over the place and he was breathing heavily.

"Uncle Joelle!" Justin yelled. "Here!"

"Thanks." Joelle said. "Morning!" Joelle appeared on the screen. The wind was blowing his hair in his face, he's shirtless and he seems to be laying on a lounge chair on the beach. "Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Aubrey!" He said, grinning.

"Thank you and Merry Christmas." I said. "Their camping at a hotel?" I whispered to Joel. He shook his head.

"They've stayed at an Airbnb in Montego Bay for the first night, and in the evening they'll head out to the site." He replied. Beth sat beside Joelle with a huff.

"Joey is knocked the fuck out from Margaritaville last night and Joseph is out buying groceries with Adina, Jules, and Jarrett." Beth looked at the phone when Joelle nudged her side. "Happy Birthday!" She yelled, grabbing my phone from Joelle. I chuckled.

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