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I was dreaming about marrying the Hulk and him terrorizing New York because King Kong stole our cookie filled oven. Lol. I'm not kidding, Hulk went off for the cookies and he had the nerve to drag me along. Boy, was I pissed. "Hun, wake up." Joel whispered into my ear. I whined. Go back to sleep Joel.

"No," I muttered into his chest. He chuckled and stroked my hair.

"It's time to wake up." 

"'re dreaming," I said, rolling onto my back.

"No, it's 6:15." He said, shaking me. I whined. "I got here around 5 sum—"

"Ha! It was 3 frigging 30." I corrected it.

" was so long time—it doesn't matter now." He said. Doesn't matter he says after he beat down my door at 3:30 in the morning because I didn't answer my phone. He's lucky, I like his cuddles.


"Wake up or I'll bite your know what? I'll have both if you don't get up." He threatened. I opened my eyes and narrowed them at him.

"Do it." I dared. "Just know you won't like the outcome."

His eyes widened for a moment then he smiled. "Are you challenging me?" He questioned with his arm beneath his head and a smirk stretched across his adorable sleepy face. I'm not inviting you to meet the Queen so yes, I am challenging you.

"Did I stutter?"

"I think you did, hun," he said, hovering over me. I didn't move. I want to see if he'd do it. His smirk slowly faded as he leaned in. We stared at each other and for a moment I thought he was going to kiss me but he didn't. He let his lips brush my cheek before he blew raspberries on it. It was so unexpected that I burst into a giggling fit and punched his stomach. He grunted.

"You punk," I said laughing, and he grinned.

"I'm not a punk I'm just really smart—"

"A smart ass you mean," I muttered under my breath. Joel cocked his head to the side.

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused—Joel!" I screamed when he bit my cheek and pinned my hands to my side. I used my knee to push him away not knowing how close he was to the edge. He ended up falling bring me with him. I coddled his head in my arm to prevent him from hitting his head as he fell but I ended up hitting my forehead on the nightstand. I groaned. I straddled his waist with his face pressed up against my chest. "Are you ok?"

He shrugged. "I'm alive so yeah, but I'm not going to lie—being smothered by your breast wasn't on my to-do list....damn my to-do list's game is weak." He mumbled against my breast, tickling me. I tried not to laugh but was tough. I slowly let go of his head and sat up. He groaned. I moved down when I realized I was sitting on his stomach, then my eyes widened when I realised I'm sitting on his dick. Aubrey, you know what you have to do right? Don't say it. Wake that bad boy up, Bre! Shut up. I moved down again until I was sitting on his lap.

I touched my forehead and whined. Damn, that hurts. "You ok?" He asked, sitting up. He looked concerned.

I nodded. "I hit my head trying to protect that big head of yours," I replied. He smiled sadly. He cupped my face examining my forehead.

"We need to ice it." He said. I gasped when he lifted me bride style into the kitchen. Yas Zaddy! My inner goddess! Sigh will you ever relax? No.

"My legs still work you know." I teased. He glared down at me then rolled his eyes. I grabbed his face and turned his head to the left.

"Bite me and I swear I'll drop you." He said before sitting me down on the island. I glared at him. He smirked as opened the freezer and took out a packet of frozen peas then stood in front of me. He placed it against my forehead. I hissed in pain. He removed it then does it gently. "Sorry." He whispered.

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