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Joel speaking in a foreign language was what woke me from the dream I was having. In my dream, we were on a beach and he was kissing my neck with his hand travelling up my leg. My fingers were in his hair and my legs were wrapped around his waist. We were alone on the shore and the waves were crashing against us. I whined. I wanted to know what would happen next. "Sim Avó." He whispered. I rolled off his chest and onto my side. I was starting to dose off when his low laugh woke me. I sat up and yawned. He sat up and end his conversation.

"Sorry...did I wake you?" He asked. I shook my head as I stretched. Yeah but it's fine. "Good morning by the way." He said as he checked my temperature. "Your fever is down again but if it goes up I'm taking you to the doctor." I shook my head with his hand on my forehead.

"That's not necessary—"

"Yes, it is. This many high fevers could mean something—stop pouting." He said frowning.

"Is it working?" I asked pouting even more. He lifted my face by my chin, forcing me to look at him. My pout slowly disappeared as I stared into his eyes. His face was inches from mine. His gaze fell to my lips briefly before those hungry eyes found mine again. He cocked his head and licked his lips.

"Do it again." He whispered huskily. A chil ran down my spine and for a moment I forgot myself. "Aubrey do it again." He ordered. I did. The corners of his lips twitched. He cradled the back of my head. His mouth was parted and his eyes half-closed. He closed the gap between us by an inch and stayed there. Kiss me already! I'm literally at your mercy—stop fucking around. He made a face and let go. I wanted to scream at him. You asshole!

"No. Try to at least make it look cute and maybe it would work." He said, harshly. I stopped pouting. "Maybe." He added. The disrespect.

"That's cold."

He shrugged. "Thug life." He said, smirking at me. I couldn't help but smile. I rolled my eyes when he smiled. You're mean but adorable. I'll give you that.

"Oh is that what you called that, put on a strap jacket then we'll talk," I said leaning back on my hands. He's grinning now. I gasped when he pulled me closer by my thighs. My heart almost jumped out of my chest.

"Who said I didn't already have one." He whispered.

"So you're a bad boy?" I questioned smirking.

"Baddest of them all." He whispered. His lips were millimetres away from mine. If you're so bad why can't you kiss me—sigh. I need to stop this. I need to invest in a toy or something because I'm acting like a horny teenager. Joel got to his feet and stretched. I could hear his bones cracking. Suddenly he bent down, took me in his arms and went to the living room. "The floor is cold hun, stop freaking out." He said. I looked at him with widened eyes. Was I? I didn't notice. I tried to relax but it wasn't working.... and I couldn't stop staring at his lips.

He sat me on the couch before disappearing and returning with two bowls of cereal and a blanket to wrap around me. He gave me a bowl and set his on the coffee table. "Thank you." I said and began eating.

"Would you like anything to drink?" He asked. I looked up at him. He sure has made himself at home. He might as well—I like having someone here with me.

"Water is fine thanks." I replied. He came back with two glasses of water, sat down, and began eating. I couldn't stop myself  from staring at him. How are you so.....nice? I mean I've rejected you like twice or so— treat me with such kindness. Why? He finished eating and turned on Netflix.

He scrolled through my watch list when he said. "Orange Is The New Black? Isn't that a bit.....never mind."

"What? Scared of seeing girls having sex." I teased.

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