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I woke up under the covers and alone. I sat up and checked my watch. It's 6:05 am. I slide out of bed and brushed my teeth. Afterwards, I  decided to go look for Joel. As soon as I walked through the door, I saw him in the pit. I jogged closer then slowed down with my mouth ajar. Oh sweet, sweet corn on a cob. He's on his back, butt ass naked in the pit with one foot on the ground and the other on the cushion. His privates were covered by a lone pillow. What do I do? Do I go back to bed or wake him up? His head was facing the other direction, with his mouth slightly parted. "What are you doing up so early?" He said, making my heart fall out of my chest. He turned his head towards me before opening his eyes.

"I-I was looking for you," I replied. He held the pillow still as he sat up. His brows furrowed.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head.

" weren't sleeping next to—"

His face relaxed. "Good." He said, sighing. "Sorry...I took a shower—then I got a call so I came out here to answer it...I guess I fell asleep." Wait... where's your towel?

"Without a towel?" I asked.

"You were asleep...I didn't need one at the time." He replied.

"I bet you're really happy about that decision," I said pettily. He smirked.

"Using my words against me I see." He said, getting up with the pillow. I shrugged. He climbed out of the pit and stood in front of me, smirking. His hand pressing the pillow firmly against him. "Hun....would care less if you saw me naked...I'm only covering up so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable."

"Is that so?"

"Yes." He said. "Me being your boss and all." He said, emphasizing boss. I rolled my eyes.  He chuckled, he walked towards the bedroom and didn't even bother closing the door.


After breakfast, Joel's doctor, Dr Sandra Hernandez, came over to examine me. We went to the bedroom, and Joel stayed with me until it was time for the rape kit. He kisses my forehead and told me he'll be outside. That whole experience was terrifying but Dr Hernandez walked me through everything she was doing and kept me laughing with stories of her crazy high school years. We were done in a couple of hours, we said our goodbyes then Joel and I went to the indoor pool after lunch.  We sat in the pool, laughing over a glass of wine. He laughed as he pours more wine into our glasses. "Ok...I didn't think you'd be that big of a football fan." He said, handing me my glass. I shrugged.

"What can I say I'm my daddy's daughter," I said before taking a sip.

He smiled. "I see that....what happened to your mother if you don't mean me asking?" He questioned. I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

"Who knows," I started as I took another sip. "I haven't seen or heard from her in sixteen years...she abandoned me in a park when I was 7—"

"I'm so sorry." He said, he looked a bit agitated. I shook my head.

"Don't be...what's in the past is in the past. She wanted nothing to do with me and the feeling is mutual." I stated dryly.

"So you wouldn't let her back into your life if she shows up one day with an explanation?"

"No." I cornered. "She's 16 years too late." I said harshly. We fell into silence.

"My older brother died fighting for this country, Jiovanni was his name." He stated I looked at him. "He's the firstborn and the only one that conceived on his own...the lucky bastard." He said laughing. Joel stared down at his glass. "He didn't live an easy life though, he was constantly belittled for his darker complexion growing up....he took after Eveline but through all the shit he's been through, he was always the most optimistic person I knew."

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