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They opened the door for me and I walked through, I stand to begin the massive, black curtain. I jumped when someone took my hand. I looked at Joel. Relief washed one me. He was dressed in a white suit with a black dress shirt and black with a white mask. I tear escaped my eye.

"I'm sorry I'm late." He said, wiping away the escaped tear. He smirked. "You look beautiful." I laughed. I went on my tiptoes and kissed him. He wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Where were you?"

"I went on a walk to clear my head, I went longer than I intended." He replied.

"Next is our guest of honour, Aubrey Cabrera, and her date, Joel Pereira," Jodie announced.

He pulled away. "We better get out there." He said, stroking my cheek. I nodded.

We walked down the gilded staircase. Everyone was staring up at us. They were all dressed in full black and masks. I gasped when I saw an acrobat string then flipping in mid-air, it was like the masquerade scene in  Van Helsing mixed with Edward and Bella's wedding. Amazing. At the end of the stairs, Joel faces to me and kisses my hand. "Ladies and gentlemen welcome to our thirtieth annual Harlem Ball. I am your host for this evening, Jodie Pereira. Ladies and gentlemen get your wallet, the auction will start in two minutes."

Joel lead me to a table where his family was seated. We sat down in the middle of Joseph and Joelle.  Jodie stood on a podium with Joey. "We will now begin the auction. Ladies, you can win a date with Mr Joey Pereira.....aka the Brazilian...Joey, I'm not saying that." Jodie said, frowning.

"Say it." He mouthed to her.

"No." She mouthed back.

He shots her an angry look but she was of course unfazed. "Say it." He mouthed. She rolled her eyes. We laughed. Joelle whistled at Joey, Joey grinned, wiggling his brows. Jodie stared at Joelle in disgust.

"Ou, Eli you've wanna get it when this is all over." Said Jariah. Jariah eyes are extremely blue and his hair is extremely dark. He looks more like his grandfather that anyone else. He grinned, has he watched Jodie try to keep her cool.

"Dude, I'll be gone before then, nowhere in hell, I'm going to wait for her to kill me," Joelle said, laughing.

"Brazilian stallion," Jodie said, dryly. There was silence. Joel was the first to laugh, the other just about rolled on the ground, laughing. "Oh jeez. Anyway, Joey likes short walks on the beach, giving massages and meatball sandwiches. But wait there's more—oh God—why have 1 when you can have 3—" as soon as she said 3 Jose and Jonah jumped on stage. Three 3 brother did Charlie's Angels pose and the women went crazy. "Do I hear 3000?"

"Right here." One said.

"3500!" Said another.

"10 grand!" Jarrett yells.

"20 grand!" A woman screams.

"50!" Another said. We looked around Wait for another bid.

"50 going once....twice! Sold! To the woman with cap sleeves!" Jodie announced. The auction went on went we ate. "The last item on for the night is a 19th-century diamond necklace," Jodie announced.

I gasped when I saw the necklace, it's gorgeous. It was simple yet elegant. The diamonds were was the whole necklace. "We'll start at 2 thousand do I hear an on—"

"Two thousand." A man yelled.

"Two thousand six hundred!" A woman yelled. It went on and on.

"10 thousand," Joel yelled. I looked at him. He stared back.

Billionaire Stole My Panties (Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now