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When we got to work the staff had thrown Joel and Joelle a surprised birthday party...I wasn't apart of the planning and either was Beth. Beth, I could understand because her mouth is a loose cannon around Joelle but I thought I'd be at least invited to blow a balloon or something. Maybe it's because I always get a ride with Joel—otherwise is arrive when the party is long over. Could be that? It better be that. We had apple cider and a huge cake on our floor. Through it, all Joel never took his eyes off me. I basically had butterflies all morning. I want to be close to him so badly but I need to keep it strictly professional.

My phone vibrated on my desk as I pass by it with a tray of cake. I took it up and looked at it. It from Joel. I looked around the room for him. He sat on the arm of the L-shaped couch in a conversation with Dalia and Gowan from Management. He looked bored, he glanced in my way before replying to whatever Dalia said.  I opened the message.

From: Caveman🥵

I want to touch you so badly.

My heart just about passed the fuck out. I chewed on my thumbnail to stop myself from blushing. I locked my phone and walked over the people to the left of me and offered them a cake. My phone vibrated again. I looked at it. I rolled my eyes. It's Joel again. I looked at him, he got up with his phone at his ear. He looked pissed as he marched this way. He walked past me and into his office, closing the door behind him. I opened the message.

From: Caveman🥵

You look really sexy in that dress. I'm DYING over here.

The flush crept up my neck. I was blushing furiously. Damn this man. I looked at his door with a frown. What pissed him off this time? I'll ask him later. I made my way through the room.


It's been twenty minutes and Joel still hasn't come out of his office. I frowned. I give Mark from Editorial, the last slide of cake before putting the tray on my desk and going into his office. I walked inside and locked the door behind me. He sat in his chair facing the window." Joel?" I called. I walked closer.

"Yeah?" He answers several moments after.

"Are you ok?" I asked when I got to his desk. He doesn't answer. I walked in front of him and found him staring into space. His face emotionless. His phone on at his feet." Joel?" I said sadly. I knelt in front of him, between his legs.  He kept staring into space. We stayed there in silence before I got up and sat on his lap, resting my head on his shoulder and stroking his hair. He wraps his arms around me." Are you ok?" I asked again.

He shook his head. Aw Joel. I wanted to ask but I didn't want him to feel like I'm forcing him to." No." He replies.

I pulled his face down to mine and pecked his lips." I'm here for you baby." I told him. He smiles sadly.

"I know." He says kissing my forehead, he gives me a forced smile.


The day rest of the day rolled by slowly and Joel's mood didn't change which worried me. On top of that he got so so busy, he barely got time to eat. We had just got to my place, when we got to my door I turned to him." Are you ok?" I asked.

"What makes you think I'm not?" He asked tartly.

"Joel," I said sighing.

"Aubrey I'm fine."

"No, you're not!" I snapped." I've known you long enough to know when you're not ok...besides it's not like you try to hide it."

He ran his hand through his hair." It's family-related." He states just by his tone I knew that's all I'm going to get out of him. Joel tell me! I can't rest easy knowing something's bothering me. Let me help you....or just listen and be there for you. I won't judge you.

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