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He kisses my neck." Joel." I moaned. I trying to get a better grip onto the bathroom sink. I gasped when my fingers began to slide down the smooth surface. I held on to the sink. I looked in the mirror watching thrust him into me. He wore a smirk against his lips and he watched himself disappear into me.

"Knees are starting to hurt." He says pulling out. I would stand up but I fucking couldn't...I don't think I could stand without falling. Jelly legs. After a meeting with the Editorial staff meeting ten minutes ago it was like Joel couldn't keep himself together anymore. Not even a minute after he said what he had to say, he grabbed my wrist in front of everyone and pulled me into the elevator then to our shared bathroom. I'm telling you if I hadn't taken my clothes off myself he'd ripped them off. I'm mistaking a couple of buttons because of him. He turns me around and lifts me onto him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We're both naked and sweating the house down. He didn't waste time to enter me and shift my insides.

My head fell back." Fuck." I moaned softly. He slows down and thrusts my butt up and down on him. He kisses me softly. I moaned as I came. A minute later so did he. He sits me down on the sink kissing me. He pulls away smiling.

"You look like a hurricane just hit." He says laughing. I turn to look at my reflection. My sleek bun was sleek now longer and I'm sweating off my makeup. I groaned. I looked at Joel's reflection, he's looking highly pleased with himself. His hair was all over the place but it suited him. He took off the condom and threw it in the bin before going into the bag with feminine hygiene products. He took out some wipes—at least five sheets then walked over to me and began wiping my face." You and this makeup wearing and burnt hair smelling thing is going to start problems."

"Why?" I questioned.

"I've had to hand wash many shirts stained with your makeup plus you don't need it and every time I'm close to you all I smell is burnt hair." He states he looks at me." I hope I'm not offending you by saying this." I do feel some type of way about it but your honesty is appreciated.

"Kinda off-putting after sex." I pointed out. He takes a clean wipe and continued wiping my face.

"Sorry." He says sadly," it's just I love natural's a fucking turn on. You without makeup and those baggy things you wear at night, you call" I could feel him grew against my leg.

"Put that away," I said drawing circles around his tip. He glares at me.

"You expect—ok—ok." He said widen eyed, chuckling uncontrollably as I stroked him. He pulls me off the edge and enters me. I gasped." You're going to make me late for my meeting, hun." He said pecking my lips. I bit my lip to hide my smile.

"You better hurry then." I purred wrapping my arms around his neck. He lifts my legs by my knees and began his slow thrusts.

"No I'm going take my time....twenty extra minutes won't kill them." He says hooking his arms around my knees and walk into the shower.


I'm on my lunch break, which I decided to take early so I go present hunting while Joel is occupied with the meeting. My blouse barely had buttons to cover my breast, Joel had to give me his white undershirt to wear. It was big in me of course I had to tie it at the back.

I was at a nearby photoshop, I stare at the picture of the selfie Joel and I took on his boat. I was kissing his cheek and he was making a goofy face. I smiled." I'd like to frame this please." I said, handing to the woman my new iPhone Joel brought me this morning.

"What size?"

"Umm. 15x22."


Joel is probably pissed about me not returning to work after lunch. I would have gone back but I needed wrapping paper, but I ended up passing a jewelry store that had cute bracelets on display. I also brought a watch for Joelle then I passed by a store that had these shirts that would look really nice on Joel. I swear if I wasn't so hungry, I'd probably buy out the whole store.

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