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I woke up to Elton John singing Sacrifice. I laid there listening before opening my eyes. What a beautiful song. Unfortunately, it couldn't cure how crappy I felt. Wait, how and when did I get in bed? I rolled onto my side and gasped. Joel sat there, fast asleep on a stool across from me. Ok, that explains a lot but how—why are you here? I mean, I'm grateful you carried me to bed but...I wasn't ready to face you yet. His back was arched against the wall. The way his neck was angled will make his neck stiff when he wakes up. It felt like ages since I've seen him. He looked cute with his mouth slightly parted and his messy hair fell over his eyes. He was wearing a black vest, dark trousers, and his navy blue socks covered feet were propped up on the edge of the bed.  

A cough escaped my mouth and he jumped out of his sleep. Oops. With a sigh, he slowly turned his head and our eyes met. He looked relieved. Were you worried about me? He sat up straight, yawning, and stretching. "Are you feeling better?" He asked. His brows furrowed, eyes roaming my face.

I nodded. "A little bit." I replied hoarsely. Great, I'm losing my voice. He got up and sat on the edge of the bed. He leaned forward and placed his hand on my forehead. My mouth formed a small o when I saw his abs contracting beneath his vest. I bit my lip and he freed my lip with his thumb.

I looked at him. "Don't bite your lip." He whispered. I can't help it. You're a very attractive man. "Your fever is breaking." He said. He dropped his hand to his lap and he licked his lips. He sat there looking like a five-course meal, all sleepy-eyed and messy-haired. I let my eyes roamed his body for a moment. From his neck to his broad shoulders. Those biceps...oh...Lord. Calm down, Aubrey.

"Good to know...what are you doing here?" I asked.

He licked his lips again. He pushed his hair out of his eyes and turned to face me. He was watching me like a hawk. "I came to see were sick or—"

"Trying to avoid you?" I finished his sentence for him. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He nodded. Damn, he didn't believe me. Smart man.

"Yeah....but obviously you are sick so—"

"Yeah...but I was. I was trying to avoid you—and I got sick in the process." I confessed. It didn't make sense for me to lie to him...not when I'm a terrible liar. He stared at me, emotionless. I bit my lip. His facade broke and he showed how he really felt. He looked hurt. Oh, Joel...I'm sorry I made things so weird between us. I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm so sorry.

He cocked his head. "I see." He whispered. He turned away from me and leaned over his knees. He interlocked his fingers and clenched them. I felt terrible, maybe I should have lied but that'll probably hurt him more.

I slid out of bed and jogged to the bathroom to pee. I sat on the toilet feeling like a bitch for everything I've done to him. If I could turn back time....I'd do it again. I groaned. I literally would, I'd give anything to be kissed like that again. I like the way he took control. I felt so safe in his arms. Urg! I'm such an evil person. I got up to wash my hands and brush my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was messy and I looked like a zombie. I shook my head. When I went back to my room, he was in the same spot I left him in. I looked at my watch and bit my lip. It's almost midnight.

"Would you like to take a shower?" I questioned, surprising myself. But  it's the least I could do. After all the stress I've put him through...he deserves this one good thing I could provide. He could even sleep over if he wanted to. On my couch...but then again he's my guest and  I can't let him sleep on the couch. So, I guess he'd have to sleep

"Thank you but I should get going." He said and got up. "You obviously need your space." For a moment I forgot how tall he was. He made my room look tiny. Thanks but I don't need any more space. I can't be a coward, I did you dirty and I have to face you. He walked towards the door. I ran in front of him to block his path. He stared at me long and hard, frowning. "Aubrey." He said warningly. Shit. I've never heard him say my name before beside that one time, it's usually Hun or my last name. Was he angry about my confession? Of course, he is, he's the king of petty.

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