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David Castro as Joey Pereira

I got off work at a quarter past 2 after I convinced Mr Pereira that Joey was going to help me move. Joey and I were finished packing by 4 and he was gone by 4:15–leaving me in this God-forsaken place. When he left I realised how much I hated being alone—especially here...where I'm most vulnerable. My mind was buzzing with thoughts of Brandon coming home and realising my things are gone...and—and....fuck—I need to stop thinking negatively.

Ok, I should start dinner, I thought after checking my watch. I decided on making Shepherd's pie, Brandon's favourite. I zoned out through most of the preparation and then snapped out of it upon opening the oven door. I'm surprised I didn't cut or burn myself, I thought after checking myself. I closed the door then washed my hands and set the timer. I lost myself again this time I didn't snap out of it until I heard a door being slammed shut. I looked at the timer and was shocked to see the 30 minutes had dropped to 5.

"Aubrey...I'm home!" Brandon announced.

My chest grew tight and my heart was beating with the rhythm of his loud footsteps. Calm down, Bre, just breathe. Just breathe, I chanted. I took a deep breath and let it out shakily. I looked down at my trembling hands then balled them into fists at my side. You can do this Aubrey—just a couple more hours and you'll be free. Act normal and don't do or say anything to upset him. When Brandon wrapped his arms around me I lost my nerve and I stood there frozen. I can't do this. I can't, I can't! My body began trembling uncontrollably. I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed to be put out of my misery.

My head was beginning to spin and my chest was on fire. It was then I realized I had been holding my breath. I opened my eyes and began to take slow breaths after my brain bought up memories of my father in a desperate attempt to make me breathe. My dad would be devastated, his wife left him and for him to lose his only'll kill him. I took a deep breath and smiled over my shoulder at Brandon. "Hey baby." I forced out, softly.

"Miss me?" He whispered into my ear. I got chills down my spine but I tried my best not to show the disgust on my face. His face fell. "You miss me, right?" He asked and tightened his grip on me. I whimpered. I gave him a small nod. Yes, I don't miss you. "Say it."

"Yes," I croaked. Yes, I don't miss you. I loathe you. His smile returned and he slapped my ass. I tried my best to keep my face pleasant as bile burned my throat. He looked at the oven just as my facade began to crumble.

"Mm, that smells good. Is that what I think it is?"

"Yup and just the way you like it," I replied, he spun me around to face him as soon as I said it.

I hesitated to look into his pale green eyes and when I did, he smiled at me. That smile had made me fall into his trap more times than I cared to admit. I hated that it still makes my heart melt—I can't help it—there's a small part of me that still loves him and wishes he'll change. I shifted my gaze beyond him and his spell broke instantly. As I stared off into space my brain reminded me exactly why I needed to leave. I grinned and bared his abusive behaviour for 4 out of the 5 years of our relationship and I'd be damned if I let myself suffer through another year with him. The first 6 months of our relationship were great until he began demanding sex. He filmed it when I finally caved after months of threatening to leave me if I didn't. The abuse started when we bumped into my old high school boyfriend while Brandon and I were on a movie date, back then all Brandon did was squeeze my hand a little too tightly. He got more possessive after he caught Joey and me in the pool. Brandon snapped. That night he hit me in front of everyone and called me a whore. Things got worst after that. Sometimes, he'd come home hammered and would force himself on me if I refused he'd hit me and accuse me of cheating.

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