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I wake up to the smell of food. I sat up upon realising I was in his bed. He must've woken up and taken me to the bed. After lunch, Joel and I laid on the couch watching Rupaul's Drag Race. Joel wasn't very happy about it at first but after his first episode, he was hooked. He fell asleep on my lap and I fell asleep soon after. I got up and went to the kitchen. When I got there he was cooking up a storm and it smells amazing. He's shirtless and  mashing potatoes on the squared island. He looked up at me and smiled. "Look who's awake." He said as he sliced a piece of butter and dropping it into the bowl.

"Do you need any help?" I asked, walking closer.

"No hun," he said and grabbed a wine glass from the cupboard then a bottle of apple cider from the fridge. He poured the cider into the glass then handed it to me. "Today is for you to go to the living room and watch tv. I'll tell you when dinner is already." He said, ushering me out of the kitchen.


I decided to watch a scary movie 1-3 until I fell asleep. "Hun?" Joel whispered.

"Hm?" I answered. I began dosing off.

"Hun, wake up....dinner is almost ready." He said, stroking my hair. I rolled onto my back and opened my eyes and found him dressed in a suit that matches my dress. He smiled at me and brushed my hair from my face. I stretched before sitting up and smiled at him. Look at Mr Handsome.

"Can you carry me to the bedroom?" I asked softly. He pulled me onto his lap and then lifted me, I rest my head on his shoulder as he took me upstairs then puts me down in front of the bed then left, closing the door behind him.

It took me an hour and a half to get ready. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and put on a bit of makeup. After putting on my shoes I went downstairs, to my surprise Joel was just walking to the end of the stairs with a glass of wine in his hand, he smiled up at me. I blushed. I walked down slowly, being very cautious not to slip and fall. He handed me the glass then he took my hand as soon as I was on the last step. I took a sip of my wine as we walked to the kitchen, I was shocked to see a shit ton of food on the table. There's a turkey, mashed potatoes, lasagna, and salad. He pulled out a chair for me, I sat down then he sat at the end of the table, beside me. We fixed our plates then said a prayer for our families, friends, and for the coming new year before we ate.

I moaned when the rich flavours of the lasagna sent me into food heaven. Joel...when I come to your food—you never disappoint. "More wine?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No thank you." I replied. He poured water into my glass. I poured the gravy on my turkey slices before cutting a piece and taking a bite. The gravy a had bit of spice to it, but it wasn't's just right. When my plate was almost empty, I looked at him. He looked so handsome, relaxed.....happy. He's pouring gravy into a hole he made in his mash potatoes. Joel....because of you, this is one of the best birthdays I've had in years. You ditched your family just so I wouldn't be alone. You have to be one of the sweetest people I've ever met...I don't know what I did to deserve you. You don't deserve to be treated the way I treat you....I'm way too broke to be better and too scared to try to change that.

But...Joel, you make me want to try...and-and I think I'm falling for you. I know it's not right but I am and I think it's happening way too quickly for me to handle. "I wish things were different." I thought out loud. Surprisingly, not just me but Joel as well. He looked at me.

"What did you say?" He asked, dropping his knife and fork.

I swallowed a lump in my throat then took a deep breath. "I wish...that we met under different circumstances." I confessed. "I-I wish you weren't my boss but if you weren't—I'd probably never get to see how amazing of a person you are."

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