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A breath got caught in my throat. I'm pregnant? But—but—how...I mean...I don't even know what I mean. I looked down at his smiling face when he cups my hand with his. I stared at him, confused. He cups my face and kisses my forehead." I thought I wasn't looked so relieved." I said in shock.

"I am...I suspected you were pregnant when you threw up after smelling the vinaigrette. I didn't want to get my hopes up but I couldn't stop myself from picturing us having a child."  He confessed. My heart fluttered." Getting you pregnant so soon wasn't in my cards—I stop using condoms weeks ago...this was bound to happen. Sorry—I should have been more careful." He said, smiling sadly. I knew his mind had shifted to his kids. I pulled his head into my chest, hugging him.

"Joel, you have to take her to court," I told him. He sighs, hugging me back.

"I know." He says. We jumped, when the door burst open, Adina stood in the doorway with demanding eyes.

"The suspense is killing me!" She blurted.

"Adina!" Joseph yelled, grabbing her waist and pulling her away." Sorry."

"Joseph!" She wailed. "Stop!"

"No, you stop." Joseph cornered.

"Dad, it's ok. She's pregnant." Joel says. Adina gasped then screamed.

"Yay. I'll call a colleague of mine—to see if she can fit you in tomorrow." She says, sliding out of Joseph's grip and skipping off. Joseph was too shocked to move but soon he smiled.

"Congratulations." He said. I give him a small smile. Thanks...I guess. "Joel, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah," Joel replies before turning and pecking my lips.


While Joseph and Joel had their talk on the patio, Adina and Kimberly give me their top picks for baby items, schools, etc. The shock of it all was just settling in. I'm too in shock and freaking out to absorb any tips they were giving. This is all too soon. Never in my life did I picture myself being a jobless, 24 old-year-old, pregnant woman. But it's not like I couldn't go back to work for Joel but I didn't want to be an assistant anymore—my heart isn't there anymore. I need to get back to writing my book and stop wasting time—especially now that I have a baby on the way. When Joel and Joseph stopped talking, we said our goodbyes and went to Joel's place.


I laid in bed staring blankly at the city, cupping my belly. I jumped when Joel wrapped his arms around me. I relaxed, sinking into him. "What are you thinking about? You've been silent the entire ride here." He asked. I shrugged. "Hun, look at me." I turned to look into his eyes, I couldn't hide the sadness in my face.

"I'm just...shocked—"

"You're not ready." He said. I shook my head.

"I'm not but I want to have this baby. I just—I just need time to wrap my head around this." I stated. "It's a lot to take in."

"I get that." He said pressing his lips against my forehead. "I'll be here for you—whatever you need, I'll do my very best to give it to you."

"I know, baby," I said, kissing him. He cups my face, deepening the kiss. He pulls away. His teeth reflecting the city lights. "What are you grinning about?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I'm just happy." He said before kissing me.


It's Sunday so I didn't have to hold Joel hostage to have him to myself. I started my morning throwing up. She said sarcastically. I flopped into bed groaning." Here, hun." Joel said. I sat up to see him with a mug. I took it and the smell of ginger filled my nose. "That is for your nausea and mom said that she got us an appointment for today at 2." He said. I took a sip. Today? But it's Sunday. Oh well.

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