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We're on our way to the restaurant. After in Joel rescheduled our reservation, we showered and He rescheduled again. Now, finally we are on our way to the restaurant. I shifted in my seat. My butt is still throbbing from earlier. I glanced at our hands-on my thigh. His thumb stroked my hand. He changed his black suit to a silver one. I'm wearing a long, silver, sequin, bandage dress with matching shoes and a clutch. I gasped when his phone rang. His phone is in the phone holder on the dashboard. He frowned when he looked at the caller ID. It's someone named, Robert Novak. He stuck his earphones in his ear before answering. "Hello? Why are you only tell me this now— I'm sorry to hear that." He said. "Well, I guess you'll have to find someone to do then won't you!" He said, raising his voice. I squeezed his hand lightly. He glanced at me then turn back to his conversation.

He sighed. "Just call Joelle and explain it to him, I need.....what!—because I'm busy—good." He hanged up. He yanks his earphones for his ear. I grabbed his phone it's an iPhone 7 with a white cover that said Spectrum in black gothic letters. "Let me open it for you." I glanced at him. I gave it to him and he unlocked it with his index finger. I gasped when I saw his wallpaper was of Jovanni and I at Central Park.

"You fucking stalker," I said, punching his arm.

"Hey! I'm driving here!" He said, laughing." And I wasn't stalk—"

"And pigs fly. What am I going to do with you?" I said, shaking my head and went into his pictures. There were a bunch of pictures of me, Jovanni and Jolan, then a ton of him and me. I scrolled up and saw a few of him and his family on a camping trip, mostly the year before last. I chuckled at one of Joey asleep with a fully face of makeup. There was one of Jarrett, holding crying a 6 month old Jovanni with a scared look on his face. I locked the phone with a smile on my face.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked, lightly nudging my arm with his elbow. I glared at him, he smirked.

"Nothing. It's just that you have a crazy but beautiful family." I confessed. "Family goals." My smile fell when I thought of Jacy. Joel must of sense my mood, he glanced at me and took my hand. He brought it up to his lips and kissed it. I smiled then looked out the window to blink away the tears.


We pulled up at Marea five minutes later. He opened the door for me, we walked inside. As soon as we stepped inside Eric, the receptionist and Joel's cousin through Adina's twin sister, walked towards us with a big smile. He was in his late thirties, 4 inches taller than me, teal eyes, blonde hair. "I was starting to wonder if you two were ever going to show up." Eric said, smirking at me. I blushed. "Goodnight Miss. Cabrera.....Joel, please follow me." He said, turning on his kneel. Joel placed a hand on the small of my back as we followed Eric.

Joel and I had our own table that we use every time we came here. It was next to a giant glass window overlooking the city. Eric pulled out a chair for me then left. I sat down and so did Joel, smiling at me. "Hungry?" He ask d

"Starving," I replied.

"As expected. I ordered for us while you were getting ready." He stated. I blew a sigh of relief. He chuckled.

"Thank God cause I don't think I could last another minute."

"I know, the last thing I need is you whining in my ear." He teases. My jaw dropped.

"I don't whine." I cornered. He's grinning now. "I don't."

"If you say so, hun." He says, looking at the couple walking pass us. "Joel." He says, mockingly. I rolled my eyes and he chuckles.

Eric returned with a bottle of Petrus. Two waiter followed soon after with our appetizer. As soon as I saw Ricci, my mouth watered. "Enjoy. Your meals will be done shortly." Eric said, pouring wine into our glasses then leaves. I turned to my boyfriend, who was staring thoughtfully at me.

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