Coming Soon!!!!

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My head smashed against the table before I flopped to the floor. "Oh my God! Talia!" The sound of Courtney's muffed voice and was quickly followed by my ears ringing. I blanked out for a moment but when my senses began working again, I realized I was being lifted into the arms of a man. Time stood still for a second before jumping back to real time.

I blinked and I'm now sitting on the bathroom sink. I flinched when he lifted my face to his. "That a nasty fall, Talia." His voice boomed in my ear. I hissed in pained when he pressed something against my temple.

"W-what happened?" I asked, looking into those stunning green eyes.

"Bar fight. And you, little one, miraculously got yourself caught into that mess." He replied, placing his hands on beside my exposed thighs. His face inches of from mine. "Luckily for you, I had my eyes on you all night."

Channel 5 news producer, Talia Roland is a well known control freak with a bad history of ruining her relationships. For step sister, Courtney's, birthday, Talia plans a weekend trip to Vegas. Things go haywire when Talia gets caught in a club brawl, Talia would have been trampled if she wasn't saved by a handsome stranger.

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