Book 2 is out!

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Come On To Me


Part 1: This Is Goodbye.

"How long!" I yelled, getting tired of her stalling. I want answer and I wanted it now. I needed to know if he was ok.

"Two months." She answered. My fell heart. I wasn't sure what to do. So I hang up. I mouth trembled. Is he even still alive?

"Is everything, ok?"

Best selling author A. A. Cabrera first book is hitting millions on the stock market and the critics are raving but for how long. Aubrey now deals with the media calling her a one hit wonder. To prove them wrong Aubrey goes to extreme measures to find inspiration. Calling it quits Aubrey goes on a romance getaway with her new boyfriend, Caleb. When she gets back she finds out that her close friend Bethany is getting married. Hopes of seeing Joel again at crushed when she learns that won't be attending since he has been heard from in two months.


Part 2: Love Me.

My nerves were on fire. What's taking them so long. I held his hand to both comfort him and ease my nerves, I looked at him. He looked so calm and unbothered. Why? If I was in this position I'd be bawling me eyes out or something. Men. He squeezed my hand like he knew what I was thinking, I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder." You have nothing to worry about." He said.

"Easy for you to say. You nerve aren't frying right now." I said. The doctor finally walks in. I sat up and give him my full attention. He looked like he was searching for words." The suspense is killing me." The doctor met my angry gaze. My angrier slipped and turned into overwhelming sadness by the look he give me. Tears streamed down my face. No.

"The results showed that you do in fact have cancer, Mr. Pereira--"

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