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I spent the next morning cleaning my apartment and giving myself a facial, which was well deserved after a crazy week. I examined my face. My eyes shifted from my big dark brown eyes to my upturned nose, my strong jawline and my heart-shaped face. My bruises looked awful against my dark skin and I haven't been this skinny since high school. It's scary seeing myself like this. I sighed when my mind shifted to Joel. I want you, he said. But why? What could you possibly want with my stick figure looking ass? Honestly! I took a deep breath when I felt tears burn my eyes.

I dried my eyes and went to my closet for my nail kit to fill my nails and painted them yellow. Once I was done I cleaned up and texted Joey.

To: Joey❤️😍

Are you alive?

He answered a minute later.

From: Joey❤️😍

Honestly...yes, surprisingly. How are you?

To: Joey❤️😍

I'm ok, just missing you.

From: Joey❤️😍

😬you have no choice but to miss me.

I rolled my eyes.

To: Joey❤️😍

I'm ok, (just miss you is strikeout)

From: Joey❤️😍


He began spamming that emoji.

To: Joey❤️😍

Oh my gosh stop.

He continued spamming me until I  FaceTimed him. He answered immediately, grinning. He was in bed and shirtless. I frowned. I checked my watch, it's 11.45 am. "It's 5:45 are you already in bed?"

"I just got out of the shower when you texted. I laid down to reply and haven't gotten up since." He replied.


"'s Jodie's show tonight—I should get going before she turns into Godzilla." He said, sighing.

I pouted. "Aw ok."

I laughed when he put his mouth to the speaker and sent a dozen kisses before pulling away laughing. "Muah, I'll talk to you later cutie." He said. I smiled.

"Bye goofy." I said before hanging up. I was about to go to the living room when my phone rang. "Hey Beth." I answered.

"Hi. Would you like to come grocery shopping with me?" She asked. I do I need anything? I wondered. My period should be here soon and I'm almost out of cereal.

"Yeah sure. How long until you get here?"

"I'm now." I gasped when I heard a knock. I hung up and went to the door. I opened the door and Beth stood there in an oversized, grey hoodie, black leggings, and flip flops. Her hair was tousled but it suited her. She smiled at me. "Morning!" She said when I stepped aside to let her in. A familiar scent teased my nose. I narrowed my eyes at her.

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