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The next morning, I'm sitting in Starbucks FINALLY writing my novel. I managed to concoct a paragraph for the 20 minutes I've been here. I reread the paragraph for a second time with my chin in my palm. I sighed. A figure moved, scaring me. I looked up and saw Joel sitting in front of me, grinning. Oh no. With a brow raised, I watched him take a sip of my hot chocolate. He made a face. "Yuck! That needs sugar!" He exclaimed with his tongue out and eyes squeezed shut. I laughed behind my hand. My silly boyfriend.

"No doesn''s perfect," I stated as he add a shit ton of sugar to it. There no way in hell, I can drink that without getting diabetes. "Why are you here?"

He sipped it. "Can't a man check up on his girlfriend?" He questioned, adding more sugar. I shook my head mentally at him. Jeez.

"You saw me ten minutes ago, you know....when you dropped me here." He shrugged.


"Don't you have work to do? Mr. CEO." I said? CEO teasingly. He smirked.

"I just don't feel comfortable with you here by yourself." He states.

"Why? I'm in a public building."

"Two things; your pregnant and I don't want anything to happen to you." He stated, looking me in the eye.

"So this is where possessive Joel kicks in...damn it, I've been dreading this day my whole life." I teased. He rolled my eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with me being little protect—"

I scoffed. "Little? It's you we're talking about here."

"Shut up." He says, chuckling a little. "Are you hungry?"

I nodded. "A little."

"If you come to work with me....I'll get you—" his phone chimes, cutting him off. He took it out of his pocket and stared at it. He frowns. "Jolan and Jovanni are staying with me for the rest of the week." He said, reading the text. I gasped. Yay! I was tempted to do a little dance.

"They are?" I questioned. He looked at me and sat back. His features changed from the normally cocky Joel to serious, died serious Joel. He stared at me but not at me more like though me if that makes sense. "You don't seem happy." I pointed out, softly.

His face softens. "I'm's just surreal almost. After 5 long months...she decides to let  them stay with  me and without a weeks notice." He finally groaned and scrubbed his face. "Fuck...the spare bedroom is a mess—I need to go shopping for a few things. I'll pick you up when I'm done shopping." He leans in and kissed my cheek. I grabbed his arm before he turned away.

"I can come with if you want."

"Really?" I nodded. "Well, let's go." He said, smiling.


Joel had I load the car with new sheets, pillows, toys, and groceries before heading to his place. We had to rush there because Joel had brought new furniture for the spare room. I helped Joel clean the spare bedroom then started lunch. I'm making spaghetti and meatballs because Joel told me Jolan LOVES spaghetti. I turned off the stove, then strained the spaghetti in the sink then I threw the spaghetti into a large bowl on the island. I poured the sauce into a similar bow then I put the two bowls on the dining table. I had set the table before I began cooking, all that's left is to do the dishes.

By the time I finished doing the dishes I heard the elevator. I rushed into the living room, I stopped in front of the elevator and looked at the small monitor above the keypad. Inside stood a blonde-haired woman, a boy, and a girl. They're here. I took a breath then fixed my hair and clothed before pushing in the code. When the door opened we made eye contact immediately. My blood ran cold and I fought not to let my hands roll into fists at my side. Well, here she is. She looks me up and down, she lax at hiding her skepticism.

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