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Four months later

Lights were flashing from all directions, leaving me as blind as a bat. "Ok, ok one at a time, please. You in the striped sweater, your question please." I told him. The man stood up with his tape recorder held tightly in his hands.

"Was it hard in any way to find inspiration for your book?" He asked.

I adjusted my microphone before speaking. "Umm...yeah you can say that. I spent quite a while staring at an empty page." I answered. A few chuckled.

"How long, exactly?"

"Umm....six months. Next question." A man in a blue suit raised his hand.

I nodded at him. "Why did you choose a tragic ending?" He asked.

"Happy endings get boring. I mean, how would you like it if every story you read has a happy ending with the couple getting married and having kids. Every time. I know for sure I'd be annoyed. Next question."

A woman dress in a lavender suit raised her hand. "Hey, my name is Veronica Laurie from The Daily Express. Big fan of your book. I wanted to know, what was your biggest inspiration?" She asked. What was my biggest inspiration? Memory of my relationship with Joel came floating back.

I chewed on my lip. I glanced over at Caleb, he sat at the back. "That's for me to know and you to keep guessing." I said, smiling.



Hey, guys don't worry there's a book 2 called Endless Love and also published is Joel's book called Come On To Me.

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