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Joel stayed close by as we walked out of the elevator. The entire department stopped and stared for a moment before getting back to work. Management consists of two floors merged into one, the walls are pale yellow and the floors are white tiled. This department has a pretty basic setup, decor-wise with those old-fashioned cubicles. At the back of the room to the far left-hand corner is a pinewood, floating staircase with black painted wire shooting from the ceiling which leads to the balcony upstairs.

The balcony is half the size of the room and is where the workers ate their lunch. On the far right, downstairs was the desk of the Managing Editor, Felix Montgomery. When I turned to Joel and I was surprised to see him inspecting the front row of the cubicles on the right. I walked over and stood beside him. Felix stood ahead of us, smiling, not even a second later.

"Mr Pereira, I'm Felix Montgomery," Felix said, with a hand outstretched to Joel. Joel looked over his shoulder at him, before standing upright to shake Felix's hand. Joel smiled back at him. I've heard rumours about Felix and none of them was good. Let's just say many women have quit because of him, Mr. Pereira and I tried to get to the bottom of those rumours but most of them never answered and a few that did, said they left for personal reasons. That was a month ago, no one has quit since then. Mr Pereira and I have a theory—but we need at least one person to come forward if our theory is correct. Felix's blue-grey eyes shifted to me. "Ms Cabrera." He said. He's a handsome man in his mid-thirties. His chestnut brown hair cut low at the sides and the rest he grew out past his chin and styled on the right. His nose is large and hooked, his lips small and cute. He's 6'3 and almost as muscular as Joel. He wore a sky blue shirt with a black vest over it and black trousers. I smiled stiffly at him.

"Good morning, Mr Montgomery," I said. His eyes flickered back to Joel.

"What do I own the pleasure for having you in my department?" Felix questioned in a chilled but professional tone, he's still smiling too. I looked away when he shot me a glance.

"Ms Cabrera is just showing me around," Joel replied.

"Really?" Felix said, now grinning at me. "You wouldn't mind if I join? I know this department like the back of my hand."

I was about to say 'no, we're good' but Joel replied before I got the chance. "We're good thanks we won't be staying long," Joel replied, glancing at me. "Nice meeting you—um...Graham." My eyes widened as I looked at Joel and then back at Felix. Where the hell did he get Graham from? Felix kept his smile.

"It's Montgomery. Felix Montgomery." Felix corrected.

"Yeah...sorry, I'm not very good with names. Enjoy the rest of your day, Philip." Joel said. I almost burst out laughing but I gathered myself and pretended to rub my nose just in time. Joel, you savage.

"No, it's Felix." Felix corrected.

"Huh?" Joel said, confused.

"Felix is my name." Felix cornered.

"Oh...I'll get it eventually. Let's go, Ms Cabrera." Joel said, walking down the aisle. I flashed a smile at Felix and then tried to catch up to Joel. We walked up the floating stairs. Joel's stopped by the wooden rail looking down at everyone. I stood beside him. We watched Felix talk to a woman in a bright orange suit, she looked nervous and fiddled with her fingers. She flinched when he touched her shoulder. "Stay away from that man," Joel said, dryly.

"Hm?" I said. I heard what he said but it wasn't registering in my brain. All I could focus on was how the woman reacted to Felix touching her. My blood was boiling. If he's doing what I think he is, we need to get rid of him.

"That guy from earlier...stay away from him."  He said, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked at him.

"You know?" I asked. He nodded.

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