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When Jolan woke up, the four of us watched Cars before Joel took her to karate. They didn't come back until 6:30. It's 8 now and I'm watching them through the slightly opened door with a small smile. Joel is reading them a bedtime story, Jolan had fallen asleep before he even finished the first page. Jovanni sat on Joel's lap staring at the pictures with his thumb in his mouth. Joel and his mini-me, so precious. I could see how much love he has for them. Nothing is hotter than a good dad. "Jo?" Joel whispered. Jovanni rests his head on Joel's chest, looking up at him. "Time for bed." Jovanni climbs off Joel's lap and laid beside his sister. He's a timid one. I wonder if he'll ever be as energetic as his sister. Joel kissed their foreheads and lifted the blankets to their chins. He turned on the star nightlight before turning if the lamp and shutting the door." You could have come in, you know." He said without looking at me.

"And distract papa bear in action, no way," I teased. He chuckled then turns to looks at me. He cocked his head and folded his arms.

"Papa bear, huh?" He questioned. I nodded. He chuckles again. "It's funny," he started, "the more they're with me, the more I can't bear to be apart from them."

"That's love for you," I stated. He just stared at me thoughtfully. He pushed off the wall and slowly walked towards me. I backed up until my back hit the railing of the balcony. "Is it too early to ask you to have all my future babies." He said, with a cocky grin. Wow, you want more? Well, grow a vagina, Joel.

I smirked and cocked my head. "How much are we talking?" I joked. He cupped my face and kissed me. Deep and hungrily. My knees buckled.

"As much as we can." He breathed, against my lips. He lifted me into his arms and took me to the bedroom. He laid me on the bed and him in between my legs. He kissed my bare stomach. "I can't wait to meet this little one and the rest to come." I giggled when he light nibbled the skin above my navel.

Wait what. "Wait, you were serious?" I questioned. I stared down at him. He met my gaze with a serious look on his face. My heart fluttered.

"I'm serious," he said, spreading my legs wider, "dead serious." He added.

"But we haven't had that talk—"

"We're having it now." He retorted. He entered me. He let out a slow breath. My feet sink in the bed. He moves slowly but deep. "Oh fuck...Aubrey." He whispered, under his breath. I wrapped my legs tightly around him and pulled him to lay on me.

"Ah." I moaned as he sinks deeper.

"I want a big, me, Lani, Jo, little Janell and our 9 other children—"

"You want me to give you 9 more!"


"Joel!" I screamed out, he digs deep and stayed there.

"Shh. You'll wake the kids." He whispered. I covered my mouth with my hands trying to keep silent as much as I can but it was one hell of a task. I sank my fingers into his back when he moves faster. "Yes 9 more children and that's final, Aubrey....fuck!"' He cried out when I clenched my walls.

"So bossy," I teased. I pushed him off me and climb on top of him. I rode him. He grunted, grabbing my ass. "You're not going to force me to have 10 kids for me , Pereira."

"It's not like you have a choice, Hun, if I could you pregnant once—I'll do it again." He said, laughingly. I punched his arm. He grunts then grabbed my arms and pinned them behind my back. I groaned. He kissed me, roughly. I bite his lip. He groaned.

"You insufferable man," I said. He smiled then kissed my neck.

"Your dream come true, Hun." He said. I pulled free of his grip and wrapped my arms around his neck.

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