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I decided to call Joel after I realized I brought more than I can manage. He answered on the fifth ring." Baby?"

"Hey, I went to the store with the kids...would you be able to pick us up by any chance?" I asked.

"No, I'm in a meeting—is something wrong?"

"No, I just buy a lot of groceries," I answered.

"I'll let Michael come get you." He says," you need to get your license, hun." I laughed.

"I rather not."

"So you rather having to call me for a ride instead of driving yourself whenever you want?" He asked. I pouted.

"But I don't wanna," I mumbled.

"You've sadly mistaken if you think this year is going to end without you getting your license. Michael will be there is five." He says. I rolled my eyes." Bye hun."

"Bye." He hangs up a second later. I sighed.


Michael came 6 minutes later he helped me take the groceries inside before giving me a hug and leaving. I made the kids sandwiches before they fell asleep beside me at around 3:45 Gean came for them. Joel texted that he's bringing dinner so I decided to write.


I was typing like a madwoman. I sipped my coffee. I typed one last word. And BOOM. My book is completed. OMG. IAMDONEICAN'TFUCKINGBELIEVETHIS!!!!!!!!!! I got up and jumped on the bed dancing like a loon." Ahhh!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. I jumped up the bed like a madwoman. I turned on Joel's speaker and played We Will You Rock." You got blood on your face. Big disgrace. Waving you banner all over the place. WE WILL' WE WILL ROCK YOU!" I sang. I got on my knees and played the shit out of my air guitar." WEEEEEEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIEND!" I sang as I collapsed, tired as fuck." Oh, that was a workout." I chuckled to myself. I blew out a rash breath. I sat up on the bed when I heard the elevator dinged. I checked my watch. It's 5:27 pm. I frowned. Is Joel home already? He can't be....he'd text me if he was. I got up and head downstairs with a bat Joel hid under the bed.  There's was no one but there is a small black box with a blue ribbon on it in front of the elevator. I picked it up. I looked at the tag,  it was for me but there was no sender's name. I frowned.

I stared down at the box. I jumped into the pit. I carefully loosen the ribbon and opened the box. I gasped. There's a gorgeous laced, white mask inside. It also had small, white feathers at the corners and small, silver rhinestones under the eye holes. Inside of the mask was a note. I began reading.

Aubrey Cabrera, you are invited to the thirty annual Harlem Ball. The theme is ' Children of the Night ', the mask before you must be worn. Dress to impress.- No one special"

I frowned. I've never even heard about Harlem Ball before. Hmm. Maybe I should call Joel. I checked my watch. I went to the bedroom and got my manuscript then got a folder from his office. His office is behind a hidden door in the closet. The office was a small space, off white carpeting and navy walls filled with a ton of pictures of the kids. There's one of Joel with tear-soaked cheek smiling at the camera as he held.....I'm guessing a newborn Jolan, judging from the pink blankets. Joel looked like a completely different person with his thick, dirty blonde curls on full display. He was dressed in navy pants and a burgundy shirt. Besides, that one was one of him giving Jolan a bath, Joel sat beside the tub soaking wet looking like he was done with life while Jolan looking at him, making that cute confused look on her face. Her hair was styled in a soapy Mohawk. The next was of a one-year-old Jolan standing with a big smile at the camera, she was dressed in only diapers and it looked like someone had brushed her hair.

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