Chapter 2

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Okay, I didn't actually know a name for the chapter so I gave the name chapter 2 : P enjoy guys.

Also, I'm really dumb and forgot to do this

Parenthesis ( )will distribute the yellow box in Deadpool's head as far as I know the innocent sweet loving part of Wade Brackets [ ] will represent the white box the badass, non-loving, hating part of Wade we are all well aquatinted with... And if you are like me and forget I will also put in Initials for EX. (WB) and [YB]...Also, I may have failed to mention this but Peter had two dads Steve {captain America}and tony {iron man}
Peters POV
The next morning I sat in bed wondering who was that man. I heard one of my dad's call for me to come to get breakfast and I slipped on a red hoodie and some blue jeans and a pair of white converse shoes. I ran downstairs only to see the merc sitting in my living room.

My father smiled brightly and asked, "umm Peter why are you looking at the couch no one is there." I shook my head being brought back to reality. "Oh, nothing I just thought I saw something." I gave my dad a hug and tried to leave the building.

He grabbed my hoodie and pulled me back. "Peter why are you in such a rush to go out, do you have a date!!!" I replied quickly but quietly, "no I'm just going to go for a walk." He nodded allowing me to leave.

I walked out slowly still have not told my parents I'm gay. True they are as well but still, it would be just awkward to tell them. Luckily I was always very smart in asking what I wanted and I always clear the Internet history. I walked out and walked to a nearby star buck. I sat down and looked across the room and saw a man sitting alone.

I couldn't see his face, he was wearing a hood. I ran my fingers through my hair as I waited for the waitress to come to my table.  When she arrived I ordered an espresso and my mind drifted off for a bit. I noticed the man as he waved his hand at me. WAS I STARING?!?!

I blushed and looked away. He stood up and walked over to my table and sat down. He began to speak. "Hello, you were staring at me for a while for about ten minutes." He chuckled in a deep sexy voice.

He looked at my red face. "Not much of a talker huh... My name is Wade." I slowly looked up to him, still unable to see his face clearly. "My name is P-P-Peter" I stuttered. He nodded and noticed the waitress asking for the money for my espresso.

Wade looked at the waitress and gestured for me to put my wallet back in my pocket. He looked rather large and intimidating, therefore I did as he had told me. He paid for my coffee and we talked.

His phone started buzzing and as he looked at his phone he slouched and grew more upset. "I'm sorry Peter it was lovely meeting you but I have to go sorry baby boy~. He tossed me a paper with his number on it. I blushed and then remembered baby boy?!?! Isn't that what Deadpool called me either that's just a popular trend or... Never mind I will deal with it later right now I have some other problems to deal with. Wondering if I like this guy...
Wade's POV
I can't believe I saw him again. Now I know his name, now all I have to do is wait for him to call me. (YB-you saw him again that totally means it's destiny)[WB-no it doesn't it just means that you saw him again] I rolled my eyes and walked home and changed into my suit.

I grabbed my phone and ran out. I noticed some bad guys and jumped onto their car. I started shooting the men inside and saw spidey. I shouted out abruptly, "HEY WEB HEAD WANNA HELP." He smirked and turned away "WHAT'S THE MAGIC WORD DEADPOOL!!!"

I shouted, "UMMMMMMMM CHIMICHANGA" Peter shook his head and jumped down. Minutes seemed like seconds with him. I couldn't help but stare. A while later we walked up to the top of a building.

Peter smirked, "I have better things to do." He pulled out his phone and called a number on a piece of paper. I realized HOLY CRAP THAT'S MY # GUYS!!!! (YB-we know Wade congrats) [WB-I still don't see what the big deal is. Ha I said deal...get it] I then realized oh no he is gonna realize I'm the guy from the coffee shop!!!

(YB-that could be romantic though) [WB- run idiot run] I stayed still suddenly Peter looked at my pocket buzzing. He grabbed my phone and noticed I was the man from the coffee shop. He yelled in anger," WADE?!?!?!"

I nodded. My little baby boy was pissed off. I looked away scared as hell. I should have run. He pulled off his mask and hugged me. It was so unexpected. He looked at me. "Wade please take your mask off." I shook my head telling him no.

He pouted. "Why..." I replied, "because I know you will run away"
Does like 15 flips holy crap, okay umm that's a wrap If you have any tips plz feel free to comment them down below because I think that ya know everyone's opinion is important...

•_• ummm soooo k I guess baiiii

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