(Chapter 4)

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HOLY FUCK I ACTUALLY CANT BELIEVE THIS!!! 4K!!! OMG THANKYOU!!! I FEEL SO LOVED AND APPRECIATED FOR THIS AND IT JUST.... Thankyou... Thankyou... I love each and every one of you individually. You are all beautiful
and/or handsome sexy people. Thankyou so much. You all have no idea how happy I am. My love for all of you people is incomprehensible... so really... Thankyou all so so so much...

Please enjoy this late chapter... I'm sorry it's so late, I've been exceedingly busy with school work, kumon, and soccer. It's really stressful, but this was just magical, it relieved all of the stress I have ever had for these past months.
Peter's POV
I smiled when he held the door open for me. As I got in I looked up at him,"what a gentleman." He chuckled,"only for you baby boy." He gently closed the door, getting into the drivers seat, driving off.

  About 25 minutes later I got out of the car watching Wade argue with himself for a bit, which was strange by far, but most definitely intriguing as well. I stepped into the restraint with Wade by my side. Peter walked out and closed the door and walked with Wade inside and looked at the woman behind the desk

white, chiseled quarts, and on the ceiling hung a large chandelier with crystals dangling from it.

More crystals and things were spread out in a pattern along the entire silvery white chandelier. The walls were a light cream and large marble columns were all over with rose vines spiraled up and down them. My mouth hung in awe of the entrancing, eye dazzling sight.

"Wade..." he smiled looking at me before walking to the front. "Hello we have a reservation under the name Wade Wilson." The man behind the counter opened and over looked a page with the number 33 in the corner. The book was small and black with a white embroidery.

He nodded before saying in a deep but, innocent voice," someone should be with you two in only a moment mr Wilson" Wade nodded looking at me lovingly,"hopefully you don't mind the short wait." I giggled,"Wade this is the fanciest place I've ever been to so of course I have patience for this."

Wade gave me a confused look,"what? How is that possible? Have you seen yourself. Light pale skin. Brown chocolately hair. I could eat you up!" I blushed a dark red and turned away. "O-oh.... Thankyou"

suddenly a young man, that looked only as old as me and Wade approached us showing us our table. He led us up a set of spiraled steps with rose vines creeping up them as well. He sat us down on the balcony with an amazing view. Every table up there had a clean white table cloth with a black embroidery.

A silver candelabra with crystals pressed onto them. The scented candles were lit as well. As we sat down on the seats I looked at Wade. "Wade... this is amazing... how did you afford all of this..."

Wade bit his lip,"Peter I don't think you want to know until... later on... I don't want you to get scared... I want you to like me for me first before running... if that's alright" I nodded,"what ever your comfortable with, but Thankyou so much for this.

Really..." Wade smiled,"it's nothing really baby boy." I giggled  and blushed at the nick name I was given. A waitress approached the table and smiled,"hello my name is Allison, and I will be your waitress for today" her hair was blonde and pulled up into a bun. She had on a fancy shirt, and a skirt. I smiled,"lovely to make your acquaintance Allison." Wade smiled as well,"HIYA!!!" 

I giggled at wades response. Allison smiled and waved before pulling out menus and handing them to us, and then quietly pouring us water. I smiled and looked up at her,"I will have a glass of wi-" Wade interrupted just then,"we will take the chapagne for the lovers." Wade winked at me and smirked,"only the best for my baby boy"

That night after several conversations, it was time to end the date. I got up after Wade finished the payment and walked out the door with him. We walked out side to Wade's car, getting in. I yawned resting my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forhead, driving to my house. I looked at Wade,"Wade do you wanna stay at my house for the night?" Wade smiled,"you sure?" I nodded rapidly walking him inside.

Have an amazing day/night/evening love bugs!

789 words

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