I'm sorry and I wish I could have done more.../ (prologue)

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First a quick authors note I hope everyone will read

It is my sincerest apologies for my loss of contact with wattpad and writing. You see my dad took my phone for 2 weeks when he gave it back it was because me, my brother, and my mum were to go on vacation. At this time I would have been able to publish many chapters and such, but my phone was stolen at the air port when I made the stupid mistake of leaving it in the restroom for 5 minutes. I am to blame and I'm so sorry. The vacation lasted 2 weeks and I could have published with my tablet, but family was around so I had no physical opportunities to do it. It's been about a month now and I am really sorry. I thank everyone for the love and support and concern of my absence, and I assure I am safe and secure and am now freely able to write.

That being said I wish everyone a merry Christmas or hannikah  (Sorry if that is spelled incorrectly) or quanza  (once again my apologies if that is spelled incorrectly)

And I hope everyone has a happy new year

THAT being said I have great pleasure in announcing a new spider pool AU story. The AU being chosen is a high school AU that was chosen by Jaswarriors4545 and was supported by Shadow-Assassin. Of course me being me though there will be a twist.

Thank you every single one of you. Also soon a new book is to be published. A journal about my life. If you ever want to know something about me or how I react to certain things please do comment.
                                                            Third person POV
  The bell rang forcefully, echoing out throughout the halls. Students ran quickly and eagerly out through the doors. Wade smiled a toothy grin as young girls walked along side of him swooning and having trouble breathing with every step he took. Wade had pale skin and thick blonde hair, but no matter what cuts or scars wade had from his sports injuries Wade's gorgeous ocean blue eyes were always what the ladies looked at. He was the quarterback of the schools football team and was one of the most popular boys in the school.

   Tomorrow was to be one of the worst days of Wade's life. His school would end up having to go on a field trip with a prissy, fancy prep school. The schools were rivals which is why the coaches of the football teams urged the principles to scedual a field trip to raise tension between the players before the big game next week.

  The prep school was called (FUDGING HOGWARTS) Wesley prep school. The school in Wade's honest opinion only housed rich, spoiled, immature, rude, sluts that wore fancy uniforms to school and had their hair done neatly. The girls all had thigh high Stallings and miniskirts with the basic maroon and dark blue colored shirts and ties. They all wore dark cherry red lipstick that stained their lips to match their uniforms and had neatly done makeup. The boys had also the basic boys uniform and all of which were neat and clean. All of the boys hair would be slicked back and neat.

  Sadly other than Wade's highschool  Wesley prep had the best football team around. Wade thought about the field trip and desperately wanted to fake being sick but his mother already paid $60.00 for the field trip and wade wasn't willing to waste it. Suddenly he heard the revving of about 6 limos driving by. All from Wesley prep. Each student had their own limo to drive them home. Wade knew he had to get home before he got caught in a traffic jam of some sort.

  Wade always thought that no Wesley student would ever get caught walking home like a poor person. That is until Wade saw him strolling down the street with a pile of books. He didn't look like any of the other boys but he was weadimh a Wesley prep uniform with the colors and the logo. He had messy brown hair and crooked glasses and a roughed up, slightly untucked tie and a crinkly uniform.

  To Wade this was quite amusing, but he had to get home before traffic started so he ran.
I hope every one liked the prologue of the 3rd one shot!!! And thank you all so much for 11.6k reads

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