Chapter 5

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                               3rd POV
  Peter awoke the next morning to find a dead Harley in the tub. Peter screamed and ran to Wade's room. "WADE!!!" After hearing concern Wade opened the door caressing the horrified teen. "Peter what is wrong?" Peter cried quietly,"I woke up and smelled something in the bathroom and I walked in and Harley was dead in the fucking tub!"

  Wade nodded trying to soothe the smaller. "Don't worry... We are going to call the cops baby... Don't worry" The cops came inspecting the area only to find nothing. Harley's parents were crying and holding each other talking to the cops about their dead child. Mr Quinn said she wanted to become a therapist at the mental asylum. To help people for the better.

  Jhonny stared,"maybe I shouldn't have killed her... She wanted to do something good for the world. But she tried to hurt my baby... And no one will ever hurt my baby. Jhonny looked at Peter holding Wade and growled,"tonight... I'm coming Peter"

  Jhonny watched Peter that night. Sleeping quietly in his bedroom. He grinned and picked Peter up bridal style and carried him to a warehouse and watched him.

  Several hours later after several breaks to knock the boy out, Peter woke up, looking around. Peter was tied up and stripped naked. A rough wind blew against him, but seconds later his shoulders were burning. He turned and saw Jhonny and screamed. Jhonny growled putting a ball gag in his mouth and smirking. "You see Peter I love you... And Wade tried taking you from me. They both did, but I couldn't let that happen. I need you in my life. Your perfect. Amazing. Sexy. Sweet. Loving. So why won't you be mine." Peter tried speaking, but the ball gag only muffled the words. Jhonny smirked,"see my love. Even you can't say anything to keep us apart."

  Months later... A long 7 months of rape, sex, torture. Someone came. Someone in a red and black suit. Someone who thought Peter had died... Someone... who had left their potential wife for him. Wade W. Wilson. He walked inside seeing multiple henchman that Jhonny had gathered together and paid in a certain time. Wade grumbled, brutally slaughtering the henchman that were once infront of him. Stabbing them and ripping off bits and pieces of them making sure the hench men were completely dead and dismembered. He growled running down to the main room to save his love.

  And so he did. He walked inside seeing the firery red eyes that burned into his soul. He turned to see a bruised bleeding almost dead looking Peter. Jhonny growled and slapped Peter,"you bitch! Stop saying his name.... You want me. Stop fucking forgetting that" Wade walked in and pointed his katana at Jhonny. Jhonny noticed and smirked holding a knife to peters neck.

  Wade thought carefully,he could go straight at Jhonny and kill him, but risk Peters life. Or he could save Peter and let Jhonny live. (This was the part where I did my laundry and forgot to wash my hands and then ate an  apple and accidentally licked the bleach off my fingers and I threw up. This is also the part where my dad started watching deadpool right after I watched deadpool for the 18th time) he swooped in stabbing Jhonny with one swift motion and untying him and picking him up. He bolted out of the were house and ran home covering Peter so no one could see his bare skin.

                          Wade's POV

  Eventually, we arrived at stark towers. I placed Peter down on his bed and covered him in blankets before leaving and running out. Little did I know of the impact I had made on Peter's life. Little did I know he would start falling for me. My other personality. Who was a killer. A bad man. That hurt anyone in his path.

  The next day I visited Peter who was still weak and was in the care of his parents. He walked inside Peters bedroom and sat next to him only to see his laptop opened up and on the topic of deadpool. 15 pictures of deadpool scattered everywhere. Everything he could find that would correlate to the man he now found so amazing.

I growled at this,"Peter why do you care so much about this guy. He is a killer." Peter shrugged. "He saved my life Wade." I rolled my eyes,"yeah I understand that, but you seem to be freaking obsessed with the idiot." Peter huffed,"don't call him that." I stared,"I can call him that all I want." Peter shrugged,"why?!" I yelled back,"I am deadpool!" I threw my mask on and panted.  Peter stared,"oh..." He hugged me tightly and smiled,"thankyou. For saving me Wade." I smiled and hugged back. "Your my hero.", Peter whispered quietly.
I bet your thinking wtf why is this chapter so god damn shitty... Well I am sorry to say but I still have a lot of work to do. Including home work. Math corrections. And my entry for the young authors writing competition. But it also means that start of a new story so comment down AUs at the bottom so I can start the new story!

I love you all so much and I'm praying you understand that I'm under a lot of stress right now and I'm glad you support me. Thankyou all


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