(Chapter 6)

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Hey everyone. Thankyou so much for all of the love and support but I need to tell you guys something. I feel like this one shot is coming to an end so


And I love all of you equally so hopefully no one gets mad... and the next chapter

3rd person POV
Peter sobbed quietly into the older man's chest. Wade immediately apologized and looked down,"Peter I am so so sorry that I caused all of this grief and displeasure. Peter whimpered and looked up,"it's not your fault... how did you know my ex would break in a murder the baby sitter?"

Wade nodded slowly and held peters trembling body. "You shouldn't go... he'll kill you and you know it. I'll go instead!" Peter shook his head after hearing those words,"no Wade he may still be in love with me, but even if he does kill me..., I'll need to know you will take care of Jas. Can you do that for me?"

Wade sighed and nodded again,"of course, but Peter of you do come back... I'll do anything for you... anything at all... I love you Peter Parker."
Time skip to next day. 6:50 P.M.
Peter smiled at Wade before walking out the door and going to hisi car. Keys in hand, Peter took in a heavy breath, and slowly made his way down to the lake. Peter kept his eyes on the road, but couldn't help but imagine the things Johnny would do to him.

Eventually, Peter got to the lake and saw Johnny pale skin and his fiery red orange hair by a picnic. He had a pair of ripped jeans; combat boots; a white t shirt; and a 21 pilots letterman.

Peter approached the killer and sighed,"hello Johnny" Johnny had a large grin across his face,"Peter! I didn't think you would come! Oh my sweet how I've missed your beautiful face..."

Peter frowned,"Johnny just say what you want so I can leave." Johnny hummed,"ah but of course. Peter, I think we should get back together I mean I'm rich and I'm living a healthy and manageable life."

Peter scoffed,"yeah if murder is a life style choice." He snapped. Johnny gritted his teeth,"Peter I don't like it when boys act naughty so cooperate for me dear." Peter growled,"over my dead body"

Jhonny sighed,"of course..." Johnny pulled out a large butcher knife from under the picnic blanket. Peter started to back up, but Johnny followed.

Enventually Peter had been cornered. Johnny sped the knife towards peter at full force...

A scream was heard in the distance...
Ha ha ha a cliff hanger bitches

And I'm sooooo sorry that this Chapter was was so so short but I just was so busy but I really am sorry

But what happened to Peter?

Death? Wade? Jas? That man from the hot dog kart? Find out next time my loves.

511 words

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