(Chapter 8) sisters

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Oh god...we are so close to 500 reads...thank you so frikken much...you have no idea how much this means to me! I love you all so much! Also, this chapter isn't exactly 'relevant' to the story but it's just a short for you guys. In the end, I will tell you how it ties together
                     Peter's POV
   I closed the door to the bedroom and pulled on the HTC virtual reality mask and looked around. "A-alright..." I looked around and saw blue and white text saying "pull the Blue trigger to turn your flashlight on" I started to hear the sound of a young girl laughing behind me and turned around. Behind me was the word "SISTERS" written in blood red paint. I bit my lip in worry as I entered the game.

   a doll staring at me from the corner of the room...her eyes kept following me... I decided to shrug it off and looked around the dark dusty room until the lights went out. I looked around only to see that the doll was gone. I looked at the painting of the two girls and saw one of them staring at me and the other girl leaning against the first's shoulder.

   I was getting scared and could feel my heart pounding. The lights went out once more. As they turned on the small doll stood in the corner and turned its head to look at me. It opened its arms out to me asking for a hug. I moved away but as I turned around I saw a middle-aged woman hung to the ceiling fan. I whimpered in fear but still held myself together.

The lights went out again. When they went on the girl was gone. I looked to the painting only to see a dead zombified version of the girl in the front staring in my direction. I bit my lip and walked over to the journal...it read,

"She will never let me be happy
She was there in the library-
She knew I would be the one to
find her there, I always found
She was not happy he had a
favorite; that I was his favorite
He should have loved us the same.
This way we will never be
apart again. She will always
be there, looking over my
shoulder and he will love
us both."

The lights went out and as they turned on the doll was in front of me...but it wasn't the doll...it was the sister...

I screamed and threw the HTC across the room. I was panting heavily unable to breathe. I coughed and rubbed my eyes looking around at the scenery of my room. I decided to go out to go cool down and pulled on my suit and jumped out the window. I decided to just lay back on a rooftop. Suddenly my spidey sense went crazy...

That's when I met him...Wade Wilson...
Okay so If you didn't catch on. I chapter one I started from Wade's point but not peters. So Wade saw peters legs dangling off and ran up to him but Peter wouldn't be out there if he didn't play the game...

Sorry that this chapter was short it was kind of just a treat for you guys for giving me almost 500 and yeah ❤️❤️❤️ all the love hearts for you!

Also, the game Peter was playing is a real game and everything in the story is in the game

The game is called "sisters" go check it out it's really awesome it's a virtual reality game!!!

Anyways I hope everyone has a fabulous

Day/night/Evening/ hell it could be Easter when your reading this XD



628 words

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