Chapter 2

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  ALSO: PLEASE GO FOLLOW Eleanor_Wilson (this is my other account,) Cuz that would be super cool. I post some horror stories on there. I think some of y'all would like it.
3rd person POV
Peter awoke the next morning to a blinding light coming through the window. He scowled and buried his face in the pillow until he managed to drag himself out of bed at the promising smell of food.

He stumbled into the marble bathroom and washed his face. He looked to the side. A knock was heard at the door. Peter dried his face and walked towards the door calmly.

He opened it slowly. Behind the door was a tall lean man with slicked back hair, striped pants, a dress shirt, and a black suit jacket. He smiled at Peter,"Hello! I am one of master Wilson's butlers. He would like me to let you know he is downstairs having his early morning workout. He expects you to be ready and down by the time breakfast has been fully prepared."

He pulled out a yellowed out envelope with a wax seal on top. "Within this envelope is a paper with a schedule of everything mr. Wilson does in a day. The bottom half is a list of requirements you need to fulfill for him, as well as extra things you can do to get..." he coughed and mumbled,"rewards." Peter nodded, carefully taking the paper, and paying no mind to the suspicious way he said 'reward'

Peter placed the envelope on the wooden bedside table. He stared at it. He seal was red wax and had 3 Ws that were intertwined.

Peter walked to the large closet and looked through the clothing options. He stared at the brown rag like piece of clothing. It was the only option, and it was better than anything else he wore before. He took the clothing and placed it on the bed.

He walked back into the restroom and showered quickly. He then pulled on the clothing left for him in the closet and walked downstairs.

There were four seats and one round wooden table with a red and gold table cloth. Two of the seats which were across from eachother had gold paper with names. One said 'Master Wilson' the other said... 'Peter' he looked around and sat at the seat with his name paper infront of it.

As the buffet arrived, Peters mouth watered. When all of the food had arrived, wade had walked down in the gold and silver outfit. He sat at his seat,"Good morning Peter." Peter nodded,"good morning Master Wilson."

Wade grinned and grabbed the back of Peter's head,"looks like you are getting the hang of things quickly~" he purred. Peters face turned a shade of scarlet.

As the food arrived, Wade let go of Peter and put out the silverware. Peter placed the large cloth napkin on his lap, to prevent food from dirtying his clothing.

Multiple items were spread out on the table. One one half of the table were things such as Wheat bread, olives, nuts, sausage, cured ham, bacon, goat milk, cheese, and blood pudding (look below for definition). On the other side was wine, honey, and different dried fruit such as plums and dates.

Peter had never gotten the privilege of eating so well. He started eating quickly. In the middle of a plum and some cheese with bread, Peter's eating was interrupted by Wade grabbing Peter's chin and tilting it up to look at him.

Wade scanned Peter's face and how the crumbs littered it. Wade leaned in, almost as if Wade would kiss him. "You should really be more clean... it's not good to be messy."

Peter blushed and looked at wade and nodded slowly,"Y-yes Master." He stuttered through his words. Wade let go of Peter's face and continued eating.

A couple of minutes later, Peter grabbed the napkin and cleaned his face. Wade looked at him and stared,"Did you get a chance to look at the schedule Epictetus had given to you?"

Peter stared. He must have been talking about the butler,"No, not yet." Wade nodded,"Then you may excuse yourself to do so." Peter nodded and left the table and went upstairs.

Peter sat on the bed and grabbed the envelope. He gently peeled the wax up to not damage the envelope. He pulled out the folded up piece of paper.

Peter stared at the long list:
9:00- Have breakfast with Master Wilson

10:00- First workout

11:00- Master Wilson's shower

12:00- Have lunch with Master Wilson

1:00- Second workout

2:00- Walk around mansion

3:00- Head into town

4:00- Paperwork

5:00- Last preparations

6:00-9:00- Gladiator Match

9:00- Have dinner with Master Wilson

10:00-after- time for bed
  Peter scanned the list and narrowed his eyes at the bottom which said,'for extra rewards you can come do extra work by going to the morning workout session with Master Wilson.'

  Peter rolled his eyes and walked towards the gym. Surrounding him were gladiators using all sorts of gym equipment. Infront of each one was their designated Slave. The slaves were sat with their mouths wide open.

  Peter got down on his knees infront of wade and smiled shyly. Wade grinned down at him. No doubt Peter didn't know what he was getting himself into.

Blood Pudding- A dark sausage containing pork, dried pig's blood, and suet.

Surprise!!! I know I haven't updated in literally forever. I have no excuses. I am a very bad girl.

Recently I have had some homework as well as softball camp. But I still fuckin succcccccccccckkkkkkk

But my birthday is in a couple days. On the 7th to be exact. So thx...

I love you guys and I'm really sorry about the delay. I know I totally suck.


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