Chapter 2

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Sorry for the huge gap everyone I've been busy with work... I love you all

BTW italicized words mean thoughs. While writing it will say who is thinking
                                                         Third person POV
  Peter glanced at Wade's glossy ocean blue eyes and felt his chest tighten. Wade turned to face Peter and blushed a light shade of pink. Wade thought for a moment,' No wonder Jhonny was harassing him... this kid is pretty fucking hot' Peter's long brown bangs covered his big doe eyes. Peter mumbled quietly,"you have pretty eyes..."
The almost silent comment left the older man in a blush pink mess. Peter giggled at the reaction and whispered,"sorry" Wade tilted his head in confusion,"for???" Peter blushed looking down,"for randomly saying you have beautiful eyes...." Wade laughed,"it's fine... I could barely hear it though... are you shy?" Peter didn't respond to the comment.

  The two continued chatting for the next few hours leaving Jhonny With envy. One of Wade's friends approached the two,"Wade don't get to cocky seems like you've got a virgin..." Wade laughed,"shut up Weasle" Weasle threw his hands up in the air,"what? I'm playing nice..." he laughed and walked back to his seat. "I-i am a virgin" ,Peter said.
Wade gasped,"but those are extinct" Peter rolled his eyes and yawned. Wade pulled Peters upper half into his lap, allowing him to fall asleep.

Harley peeked over and looked at peter and wade and growled. Harley Quinn a girl at Peter's school... she was... insane... she loved Wade. She'd do anything for him. They even used to date. Matter of fact Harley still believes they are dating,"Wade?! What the fuck?!" People turned to them and Wade looked up at Harley with a blank face,"what?" Harley huffed and crossed her arms,"i cant believe this bull shit Wade... I thought we were together" Wade nodded,"thought... and we broke up... have you ever watched the movie frozen? You know the part where Elsa is like,"LET IT GO!!!??" Harley stared not understanding. "Harley fucking learn to let it go... we broke up... the past is in the past..." Harley whined and sat down and crossed her legs.

Jhonny stood up and sat next to her,"you like Wade?" Harley nodded,"whats it to you?" Jhonny grinned,"see the cute brunette sleeping on your man? I want that precious brunette all to myself" Harley tilted her head,"okay? And?" Jhonny sighed,"we should work together to break them apart... because they want eachother bad and I doubt either of us would like having that happen." Harley smirked,"so what do ya suggest we do sugar?" Jhonny grinned,"many things... we could hack the systems and make sure you and wade are room mates and Peter and I are room mates... we could make sure Peter and Wade stay separated the entire field trip." He whispered quietly. Jhonny smirked and looked at her,"we could make them jealous... or maybe a little killing has yet to be involved..." 

All they knew is that they were going to find a way to win their loved ones hearts... if it was the last thing they did.
AND THAT IS A WRAP! I'm so sorry for the writing withdraw I've had tutoring for math because I want my math grade to get up so I can go to the premier of deadpool 2 when it comes out either the end of this year or the beginning of next year!

Shout out to Jaswarriors4545 for helping with this chapter

Bai Bai!


600 words

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