CHIMICHANGAS?!?! (Chapter 3)

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Alright uh, I didn't draw the picture....that's it I think.....uh enjoy! Oh, wait! Here is some credit for helping me come up with part of this chapter _SuperHeroFanatic_
                  Wade's POV
  I watched Peter as he backed up a bit. "What's that supposed to mean?! Why would I run away???" I sighed, "you wouldn't understand" he bit his lip," please...just show me I'm begging you I won't run." I nodded, "oh but you will run Peter....faster then you have ever run before...they all do...but for you, I will take off the mask..." I peeled off the sweaty mask that was practically glued to my face.

He gasped a bit, "your s-" I backed away to the edge of the roof, "I know ugly gross even...just save it, Peter..." I jumped off the roof holding back my tears and teleported to my room and collapsed on to the floor.

(YB-He was gonna say something We should have waited!!!) [WB-EXACTLY ANYTHING IT COULD HAVE BEEN ANYTHING IT COULD HAVE EVEN BEEN YOUR A HORRID GROSS BEAST] (YB- and if it wasn't?) [WB- with our luck it probably was]

"both of you are just so annoying..." I grabbed my gun and held it to my head and pulled the trigger, able to see the blood pouring out as everything around me became blurry...
Peters POV
I mumbled quietly..." way to go scared him away" I sighed and sat on the roof staring into the sunset. "He built a wall... Of protection....after whatever happened to him... H-he clearly has had feelings before for others and when they saw him they ran..."

  I sighed quietly and walked home and began to pry off the suit. I heard a knock on the door and shoved the suit in my closet and pulled on a shirt and some pants. "COMING!!!" I opened the door and ran out" My father Steve smiled and said, "dinners ready hon." I nodded and walked downstairs to be greeted by a buffet of Italian food.

My eyes widen as I am directed my attention towards my dad. He laughed nervously, "I was on the phone with your father and ummm I got carried away..." I choked up a little and nodded. I went back upstairs and laid down on my bed and sighed... I was a bit bored and decided to call Wade and see if he was busy.
Time skip to about an hour later...
I have called about ten times now, texted a few times as well, and he still hasn't responded... Maybe he went to bed maybe he is out killing people or saving them I really don't know anymore... I sighed and called him one more time
Wade's POV
I got pissed and finally decided to pick up the phone, "what do you want Peter" he responded, his voice sounding sincere as ever, "Wade I don't think your ugly or gross I kind of think..." I could tell his voice was cracking and he was flustered as fuck." what is it, Peter?" He sighed, "I thought you looked hot..."

I could feel my cheeks burning, "w-what?!?!" He laughed, "I think your hot Wade!" (YB- HA TOLD YOU IT DIDNT HAVE TO BE UGLY OR SOMETHING) [WB-gloat much?] (YB- uh yes) I gulped, "r-really" he laughed again, "YES!" I laughed and I smiled happily. "Say can you meet me on the roof now"

He laughed, "I will see you there" I pulled on my suit and ran to the rooftop next to Peters house and saw him changing and blushed. "Damn~" he looked out and saw me and turned red and closed the blinds. I shouted, "AW COME ON!" He came out with his suit on and shot up to the roof and pulled off his own mask and pulled off mine.

He pressed his lips hard against my own causing me to blush. I smiled happily and hugged him.
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter And I am really sorry that this is so short ❤️ you all so much. Anyways have an awesome day/night/evening!

700 words!

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