Chapter 9

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                     3rd person POV
The first few weeks had been gruesome. Never ending shopping for new supplies plus never being allowed to sleep had been hard on the couple. In fact wade had been gone so long Johnny had died via starvation and dehydration. Which was disappointing since Wade wanted Johnny's demise to be so thorough and complicated it took up a chapter of a book.

Peter was in the kitchen bouncing Aaron. His eyes had large dark bags underneath them. It had been harder without Wade's help in the mornings but it was oh so worth it since Wade was working such a well paying job.

With another human living with the couple, Wade and Peter needed any money to help with either the baby or themselves. Wade was in the process of purchasing a home. They were thinking a simple 3- story hole would suffice any needs or requirements they had. 1 upper floor. The ground floor. And the basement. Peter wanted it to be large since they were fairly rich, thanks to Wade's job, but not too large in case there was a fault in the relationship and they broke up.

*********{11 months later}**********

Aaron was 11 months now. He had a full head of chocolatey brown hair, much like his mother. Peter was in pieces between taking care of Aaron and planning his party, he needed to relax.

Peter hummed and grabbed some lemonade. He turned to see Aaron playing with his blocks. Peter cooed and took a video using his cell phone. All of their things had been moved into their new home and was neatly organized. Most of their belongings had still been in boxes but Peter unpacked anything unsafe and put it somewhere Aaron couldn't quite reach it.

  Wade walked in the house,"hey mommy... hey cutie..." Wade chuckled. Aaron hiccuped and mumbled some gibberish before screaming,"MAMMA!!!!" Peter turned,"yes b- Aaron! That was your first word!!! And I got it on video!!!" He screamed in happiness and in thanks since he didn't stop recording after Wade walked in.

  Peter hugged Wade tightly. Wade pouted wanting the infants first word to be dadda. He hugged Peter back and picked up Aaron,"he took his first step just 2 months ago... and now his first word? He's growing up so fast!" "Maybe even too fast." Wade countered.

  Peter nodded in agreement,"Well you know what I always say... go big or go home." Wade had a devilish glint in his eyes,"Thats what you said the first time you saw my dick Petey." He lightly chuckled. Peter blushed a cherry red,"hush! Do not speak that was in the presence of our child." Wade smirked,"you really think he could ever be innocent with Wade Winston Wilson as his father?" Peter sighed,"saddening but true." He giggled and kissed wade softly.

  Aaron reached for Peter. Peter held the infantile in his hands, bouncing him up and down, speaking to him in baby talk. Aaron mumbled some words whilst drool spilled from his mouth. Wade wiped his child's mouth with a napkin. Then a loud knock was heard at the door. Wade opened it to find a large team of rather burly men in black suits.

  Under the men's jaws were long clear spiraled wires from their under shirts to their pockets. Thy all had matching pairs of black ray bans with silver linings. Peter smiled walked over to wade and smiled.

  Peter saw familiar tuffs of platinum blonde hair and dove into the crowd of men to give his parents a hug. Steve's beautiful welcoming eyes almost over powered Tony's cold heartless stare towards Wade. Almost. Peter directed his attention to his father,"hello dad." Tony looked at Peter and shook his free hand firmly as two scientists would upon making each other's acquaintance, before going back to glaring at  Wade.

  Peter may I speak to you privately about this 'boyfriend' of yours? Peter sighed,"what her you must say about/to him, you may say to the both of us. "Fine... so be it." Tony muttered. The black haired man scoffed at the sight of his son and some mercenary cuddling in front of them. Wade who was now sweating profusely asked of them to come inside their home. No one had told him it was 'meet the parents day'.

Wade allowed the parents to come inside. Peter and Wade sat down on a white leather couch on one end of a glass coffee table with a golden outline. On the other end Steve and tony sat on a red velvet couch with designs imprinted on it.

  "Peter I need you to know you can't be with... with him." Peter glared,"why not?" "Because Peter, Wade is a mercenary." Peter looked at wade,"I- I know... but he only kills bad people... he has a rule against killing children." Tony frowned,"and you don't worry every night that he could kill you?" Peter froze.

  Wade sighed,"you are very right to think that. All of you. That I would harm Peter. But I never would. Because I love him more than anything in the world. Hell... Peter is my world..." he sighed and held Peters hand. Thus earning a tear from Peter. Multiple even.

  Peter smiled and rested his head on wades chest. Aaron was in Steve's lap cooing happily. Steve was feeding Aaron his bottle,"Tony I can tell... Wade is good to Peter... be happy for them." Tony growled slightly,"Peter I refuse to allow you to date this psychopath!!!!" Peter stood up,"Then get out of our home!" Tony stared in shock along with Steve.

  Tony sighed,"if that is what you wish..." Steve frowned,"Peter you didn't mean that..." Peter sighed,"dad I really didn't... I was just mad..." Tony sighed,"Peter... I'm happy... you finally stood up for what you wanted... you really must love this guy...." Peter blushed,"I do..." Tony sighed,"fine... I give him permission, but I still loathe him."

  Peter laughed and hugged Tony,"Thankyou so much!" He smiled widely
I'm so sorry, I know I haven't updated in the longest time and I apologize sincerely. I simply had no time. Week after week I have quizzes and tests from every class. It is increasingly difficult. I hope you will forgive me! THANKYOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 82k I LOVE ALL OF YOU AND THIS ACCOMPLISHMENT IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!!

By the way this story will be ending by shaper 10 if not 11.


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