Chapter 8

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                                3rd POV
  At exactly 1:48 A.M. Johnny entered. He looked around only to see an empty room. He explored trying to find Wade in any of the rooms. Suddenly he heard a large metal 'BANG' and felt an immense rush of pain go through his head. The room began to dim as he felt his body hit the ground.

  Everything around Johnny became blurry and there was a high pitched buzzing noise. The room went fully black...

  The mercenary leans next to the other blonde in the room, touching a spot on Johnny's head for two seconds. He lifted his fingers and smirked deviously at the minimal amount of the dark red liquid on his fingers. He tossed the metal bat aside and dragged Johnny into the dark abyss ahead.

  An hour or two later Johnny had awaken. He attempted moving to no avail. He had then realized he was chained to the wall. He was stripped fully nude. Wade walked in. He pulled the latex- leathery mask off,"hey Johnny... remember that time you oh what was it... impregnated my boyfriend?! Well here's payback!" He laughed manically

  Johnny glared,"you sadistic fuck." Wade grinned,"I know you are, but what am I." He chuckled to himself at the popular elementary school joke. Johnny huffed,"You are the one tying to make a bondage porno." Wade smirked holding a whip,"I guess you were right about that!" He smiled

  Johnny's eyes widened second by second as Wade explained his plan,"I'm gonna torture you Johnny, and make your life, a living hell. Then just when you think you've experienced every level of pain to come, I'm going to kill you... slowly... and painfully..."

  Johnny panted heavily. His eyes widened as he suddenly felt the painful sensation of the black whip Wade had been holding. Johnny screamed in agony and Panted. His eyes watering already and practically begging the mercenary for sympathy.

  Wade took a throwing knife and grinned,"I really need some practice." He threw the knife, allowing it to strike Johnny's shoulder, evoking a scream from the other blonde. "Oops I missed. It was supposed to hit your dick." Johnny managed a growl throughout the excruciating pain.

  Wade's phone rang. It was Weasel. "The fuck Wease? I'm busy!" Weasel growled,"too busy to be there for Peter while he gives birth?" Wade panicked,"what?!"

  Wade growled and shoved a gag in Johnny's mouth, and he blindfolded him as well. Wade had a suit on, because he wanted to look cool while he was slowly murdering Johnny. He would have changed if he wasn't in such a panicked rush. He made sure Johnny was unable to escape and injected Johnny with a serum, forcing Johnny to pass out. Something like anesthesia.

  Wade ran to the hospital Peter happened to be at. After showing the nurses his ID he bolted to the room Peter was in, not giving a shit about anyone he accidentally knocked over. Wade opened the door and held peters hand. Wade looked at Peter with sympathy as he watched the doctors put Peter into a deep slumber with the anesthesia.

  Wade's squeezed Peter's hand, and sighed.
The nurses escorted Wade out so he wouldn't have to watch Peter get his stomach sliced open.

  After about 1 hour Wade walked in. He hugged his unconscious boyfriend and kissed him softly. The doctor smiled,"Mr Wilson congratulations... you are now the father of a boy..." Wade's eyes watered and he took his son in his hands.

  After an additional half hour Peter woke up. He cried softly as he held his newborn. He smiled,"Little baby Aaron." Aaron cried and screamed. Wade cried softly,"he's beautiful... just as beautiful as you..." he supported Aaron's head with his left hand and put his free arm around Peter. Wade took Aaron into his hands. Aaron cooed and turned.

  At the same time Wade and Peter let out a quiet,'awwww.' Wade allowed Peter to sleep as the doctor left the room. Peter snored softly, his hair covering his eyes. Wade bounced Aaron whilst humming till Aaron fell asleep.

  Wade gently placed his young in their crib. Aaron really was a beautiful baby. He had Wade's piercing blue eyes. The ones Peter fell in love with. The ones he wouldn't allow anyone else to look at, because no one was going to date his little boy any time soon.
     Time skip to when Peter is getting     
          picked up from the hospital
  Wade had visited Peter everyday for the past few days. He came at 7:00 A.M. And left at 11:00 P.M. so Peter could get some rest. He arrived early, but only so he could watch Peter sleep. Peter stood up and caressed his child. He got in the back of the car with Wade's assistance.

  Wade looked to the back where both of his baby boys were seated and smiled,"I love you both so much..."

  I'm so sorry I haven't updated in more than a month. I started school August 4th, and I've been swamped with school work and extra curricular activities. I know all of you are super mad at me, but I need you to know how hard balancing tests, quizzes, and homework from 7 classes is, while being in softball, debate club, and HOSA is. (HOSA is a club for people who want to become doctors, entrepreneurs, etc.)

  Plus I have dog sitting, and I am schizophrenic. So far I've been getting straight A's and haven't gotten a B yet. I'm super tired and I can barely move anymore without feeling dead inside. I know I was supposed to update a long ass time ago, but I haven't been able because of all of the stuff aforementioned above. I barely even have time for personal needs and wants.

   To be fair though, it is the beginning of the year after 2 months of staying home doing absolutely nothing. So I expect within maybe 2-3 months I should be back to normal stuff. Any how I apologize greatly for this being delayed so late.

Sorry again.



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