Chapter 5

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                             3rd Person

  Around 8:30 Wade walked downstairs. He had been wearing a soft white suit. He took a deep breath when he saw Peter. Never has he seen anyone so beautiful. Peter felt merely the heat of the oven he was taking fresh cookies out of. Wade choked on air as he stared at the eye catching beauty that was bestowed upon him.

  "Ready?" Wade asked. Peter giggled and turned, causing his classic white and black suit to crinkle. He nodded, placing the cookie tray, and his oven mitts down on the counter. Wade took in a whiff of the sweet chocolate filled air, before grabbing his keys and taking off with Peter by his side.

                           Peter's POV

  About 25 minutes later I got out of the car watching Wade argue with himself for a bit, which was strange by far, but most definitely intriguing as well. I stepped into the resteraunt with Wade by my side. Peter walked out and closed the door and walked with Wade inside and looked at the woman behind the desk

  White, chiseled quarts, and on the ceiling hung a large chandelier with crystals dangling from it.

  More crystals and things were spread out in a pattern along the entire silvery white chandelier. The walls were a light cream and large marble columns were all over with rose vines spiraled up and down them. My mouth hung in awe of the entrancing, eye dazzling sight.

"Wade..." he smiled looking at me before walking to the front. "Hello we have a reservation under the name Wade Wilson." The man behind the counter opened and over looked a page with the number 33 in the corner. The book was small and black with a white embroidery.

  He nodded before saying in a deep but, innocent voice," someone should be with you two in only a moment Mr.Wilson" Wade nodded looking at me lovingly,"hopefully you don't mind the short wait." I giggled,"Wade this is the fanciest place I've ever been to so of course I have patience for this."

  Wade gave me a confused look,"what? How is that possible? Have you seen yourself. Light pale skin. Brown chocolately hair. I could eat you up!" I blushed a dark red and turned away. "O-oh.... Thankyou"

  Suddenly a young man, that looked only as old as me and Wade approached us showing us our table. He led us up a set of spiraled steps with rose vines creeping up them as well. He sat us down on the balcony with an amazing view. Every table up there had a clean white table cloth with a black embroidery.

  A silver candelabra with crystals pressed onto them. The scented lilac candles were lit as well.
                             3rd Person

  Peter held his hand over his mouth. "How did you... Afford this..." Wade chuckled and lifted Peter's chin with his pointed finger and looked him in the eye with a smirk,"I have my ways~" he hummed seductively into Peter's ear causing shivers to go down his spine.

  Wade smiled as the waiter walked up to us. He smiled,"hello, how has your evening been? I am Adrien, and I will be at your service tonight." Peter smiled,"hello, our evening has been lovely thank you for asking." Adrien smiled,"what would you two like to drink" Peter was about to say an unsweetened iced tea, but Wade interrupted,"your finest champagne please."

  Adrien nodded and handed Wade and Peter menus before taking off. Peter turned to Wade,"Wade I don't drink..." Wade frowned and touched Peter's chin, earning yet another shiver from Peter. "Please Peter. Just this once. You mean the world to me, and I believe we should celebrate this momentous occasion with a bit of alcohol." Peter sighed and nodded,"I suppose... Since this is a date you took me on... And you paid for... I guess we could drink a little"

  Wade cheered silently. Soon Adrien came back with the bottle and popped it open. The cap exploded to the other end of the room. Peter blushed at all the sudden attention given to their table. Adrien poured drinks into their glasses and.left the bottle in a small bucket chained to the table.

  Wade raised his glass along with Peter. They clinked glasses and drank,"to us" Peter said. Wade smiled,"to us" he said as well. Peter sipped the drink and smiled. Wade drank quicker.

  Adrien smiled,"have you decided what to order?" Wade snapped,"ah yes! For appatizers may we have the seafood assortment and the cheese taste test." He nodded and left. Seconds later he came back with the assortment of sea foods. Lobster, calamari, shrimp, octopus. Next to that were a variety of different cheeses with a small basket of breads and crackers.

  After appatizers Adrien smiled,"for dinner?" Wade sighed,"I'll take the steak and mashed potatoes with lobster bisque." Peter smiled,"um I'll just have the summer salad, and some calamari if that isn't too much trouble" Adrien wrote everything down and chuckled,"not at all Mr. Parker."

  Nearing the end of the date Wade began to bed and plead for dessert. "Wade I'm full" "PLEEEEASE!!!" The yelling attracted attention causing Peter to blush a bright pink,"fine just don't yell..." Wade ordered two of the red velvet macaroon ice cream sandwiches. One for himself and Peter.

  Peter sighed and stretched. He grabbed the bill but Wade pulled it back,"ah ah ahh~ I picked the dinner and place so I pay the bill. Peter giggled. Wade took Peter to the car and began driving them home. Peter fell asleep in the car.

  Upon arrival, Wade smiled at the sleeping angels face. He got up and went to the other side. He opened the door and picked Peter up. He carried the smaller inside of the home and laid him in bed. Wade kissed his forehead and whispered,"good night... I love you..." And with those words, he fell asleep in Peter's arms.
AND THAT IS A WRAP! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I'm so sorry for the late update. It was at my inconvenience at the moment and I sincerely apologise. I have finals but next week on Friday is my last day of school and I'll try to update once a week. Sorry.

Love you all



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